The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Memory of you

The sun has finally set.
There's just one dim light on the horizon.
A burning light of orange, red and purple colors, All of them dancing on the music that the first stars on the sky appear to play.

I look beyond that light and I see you.
Just like the sun you seem to be further and further away...until you disappear.
There is only one thing that remains and that is the memory of you.


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The mirror

The mirror speaks a truth that you don't want to hear
What makes you so afraid is right there and it's so clear
That anyone but you would run away and scream
But no, you choose to stay and bathe in your darkest dream.

There is no light or rainbows or things you'd like to share,
Just your naked costume, parading under moon's glare.
You twitch and turn and the sides are all the same...

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Thoughts in a dark room

Light your way with silver blue reflections,
Square shapes give you a sense of connection
That fills a room with all the strangers' faces.
Their vision is what your retina praises.

I look accross the room and see nothing but golden spheres,
Hidden deep inside them is a regular junky's craves and fears.
He sweats, he cries and screams the sound of lust and joy,
His euphoria takes off and h...

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