The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Roses are pretty rare

Dark skin like a summer shade,
dressed as he took me on a date.
A Rose's trait is pretty rare.
Blossoming if nursed with great care. 
His Hair, a work of art only I could impair.
He guides me through this foam floor
Feeling his hands down to my core, 
my love galore caused a sudden uproar. 

You shine like the lights in december
Autumn, please take us back to september,
falling leaves i...

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Roaming amongst the giants

Roaming amongst the giants -
Sooth your mind when you lay next to me.
Trust upon your senses when you roam amongst my white giants. 
Taste, when you take in my fruits. 
Listen, when you hear me whispering.
Feel, when the lake gravitates up on you. 
Watch, and see your spirit transcend away. 
Smell, can you detect my presence?

In my kingdom.
Everything is redefined,
Even time

And i c...

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Orange moon

An orange moon gets me wilding out. 

It makes me reminisce.

About the warm sensual nights we used to spend together.

Not sensual in a physique type of way. 

But sensual in a 'thanks for sharing your deepest secrets type of way'. 

The candle light shining on your right sheek left me wondering.

If the red glowy side represented a colour that was well know by mankind, were the patte...

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