Flanders Field
Heroes of a nation, who would have knew
That they risked their lives for everyone, valiant and true. The darkness of the battlefield, will blind them all their lives
The images that they have seen shall remain upon their minds
Yet in this hour of war, they sheltered us with their ...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:35 pm
He risked his life for the country he loved, For those he cherished for all of us. He went to war, and he fought hard, His body bruised his memory scarred,
Now his rights have gone away, He lives alone, uncared for, abused every day. He was lucky in some respects, He made it home, he survives yet...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:32 pm
Little Jimmy
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:22 pm
Two Lost Souls
Guided by the faintest of light
Though the world casts its shadows
They kept their dreams alive. People stop and judge them
For what I just don't know
But they keep travelling on
Though they've got no place to go. Love brought them together
Pain has torn them apart
Just two lost souls in the darkness
Joined together through a broken heart. ...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:12 pm
Poverty In The UK
From the lamplight of the factories, to the smoke and endless fumes
The workers toiled from dawn till dusk on ever spinning looms,
Ne'er did these places hear the sound of each bitter tear cried,
These were the places where some were born and just as many died. The workhouses and squats of Victoria's kingdom fare,
Never saw many smiles, although many memories formed there,
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:10 pm
Losing Faith
Send away my sweet caress, bring me nights of guiltiness,
Break my heart and break my bones, this is the only way I've known. I fade to grey so suddenly, not half the man that I used to be, The peace in my heart has gone, I wonder whic...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:06 pm
Depression Is A Killer
Do you ever feel like you could just scream for eternity
Every thought you cast upon yourself contains pure negativity
People wonder how you can feel so low, but they don’t know,
Reality to you is completely different to that in which they live
Every night you go to bed, you wish that it would be the last
So many sleepless nights you’re plagued by insomnia,
Suicidal tendencies play upon your...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:03 pm
The Ghost Train
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 7:07 pm
Growing Old Disgracefully
I want to grow old disgracefully and drive all my carers crazy,
I’ll swing from the chandeliers, I’ll overfill the bath,
Then blame it on my dementia whilst I stand there and laugh. I want to climb the rafters and play hide and seek,
I never want my bones to grow old, frail and weak,
I want to make the children laugh and ...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 7:05 pm
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