The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

You give me a peace of mind

Still, as sounds flow through me like ripples,

Her metronome voice glows as she talks, leaving a euphoric feeling.

Melancholy breathing hones focus to my heart beating,

Dissipating my worldly ruminations.

Lucid is how I felt after her rhythmic voice receded,

The ripples still imbued in me lingered.

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How much longer?

Still, as I'm placed gently, carefully, so I may not spill over, 

Dial me up to medium to simmer the symposium that's eager, 

Waiting patiently for my bubbles to burst, to stimulate my undying thirst.

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lifetransformationpatiencepoemshort poem

Seasonal Hate

You endure a tremendous amount of hate, 

Berating your presence as soon as you wake.


Their words echo off buildings, 

As the tempo of people gather in agreement. 


White smoke cloaks their bodies,

Fuming like chain smokers in harmony.


The crunching of their feet fleeting,  

Scurrying away to catch the heat of the bus,

Dirtying up the soft blanket you’ve given ...

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Rain Check

You got alot of nerve, stirring up mess

Churning emotions til they fester and burn

Wrecking havoc, thriving in your habitual habit

Unconcerned with the environment, leaving it in misalignment 

Antagonized by your exasperation

Declared our common enemy out of correlation

To fan out the flames of your generation

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familygenerationEnvironmenttoxicitylifeAngerhopeteamhuman nature


I can’t give up my joy 

The people who surrounded me 

With bad intentions 

Couldn’t hold up the charade that they felt joy when I succeeded 

Are deleted, blocked , ignored

I’ll never see them across my screen , my mind, in my sight

Because once I know we’re not aligned 

What’s the purpose of having you near?

So you can rejoice?

About me stubbing my toe 

About me getti...

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It’s frustrating being a generational curse breaker 

Ion got nobody to look up to 

I’m on this back breaking, google searching “do I need a co-signer?” journey alone 

I can’t stand that I don’t have a reliable person to lean on 

Was I born just for the cute baby pictures and outfits that people love?

I’ll rather had y’all save that money to go into my college fund 

I didn’t wanna...

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Building my yellow brick road brick by brick 

Making sure every brick I lay is perfectly aligned

Polished and shined according to my divine self 

I take care of my road because who else ? 

Will put the time, effort and care into building me 

Each step I take the first brick I put into place gets further away 

It’s a bitter sweet scene all the love and hardships I put into that fi...

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Reality of Love

The love we thought we had to give

Is an entirely different meaning of love we have now 

We came together as broken pieces 

Mending each other together separately 

While shielding our love from our own prejudice views

Individuals don’t have the strength to penetrate through 

Though we came close to letting our shield fall 

Quickly grabbing ahold because our hands loosened slig...

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Unexpected Feelings

Your feelings for me were beyond what you lead on

Did us talking regularly 

Soften your heart unexpectedly?

Unknown to me but very known to you 

It came to the point where “love you” became “I love you” 

Slight change to our goodnights 

Nothing to overthink 

We’re friends right? 

You got “busier”

Our talks lessened 

I still see you partying though 

I’m confused 


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Option 3

Am I ready for the things I acquire ? 

Used to mediocre things 

Not having enough money to buy what I need 

My goal has always been the finer things 

Wearing what I want, living where I want 

It seems small but those are big to me 

I don’t live above my means 

Watched people go down that road 

It’s not a pretty scene 

I’m scared about what I would do when I acquire what ...

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A love only Grandma can give

There isn’t enough hugs that grandma can give me that I’ll be satisfied with 

If I could I would enveloped myself in her arms for eternity 

The safeness that I feel within her warm embrace is not something this world can replicate 

She embodies the love that people in this world long after

Her love shines brightly on her face whenever she sees me 

And my cheeks can’t help but hurt w...

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Young And Ready

She sees the world as an ocean 

And she wanna dip her toe in it 

I told her if you go to far 

You gon need a boat witcha 

She grabbed a boat 

She's ready to go 

I told her make sure there’s a 

Life ring and a lifeboat 

Just in case cause you might need those 

She responded “that’s fine” 

Bags packed

Excited to go on this ride 

I untied the rope from the pillar 


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I’m twisted up like forgotten jewelry that has become each other’s best friend

Untangling while frustrated will have me give up and try later again 

I need a different approach 

I’ll think I’m close to unraveling 

Then another string causes for a different stroke 

The knotting of jewelry is intricate , delicate 

One wrong move could be the end of it 

The time I spend on this i...

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unravelselfloveclose focusself-determinationrealization


Your love isn't something I would willingly give away 

I wouldn't dare make a mistake, so that your love would decay

They say I'm on a leash but I wouldn't care anyway 

Your love is for me like a flower on a rainy day

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lovehappyinlovehonestylovers poemscourage

You're a Big Girl

You're a big girl 

With every decision you make

You don't waver in front of people 

With the choices you've made 

You stand your ground 

With a smile or one turned upside down 

And you're outspoken when bystanders look away

Sugar, spice and everything nice 

Is not all what you're made of 

Your sweet and sourness gives you power 

That keeps you from going the wrong way


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