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The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Thick and Crickets

A short story—


The Thick and Crickets
Mary swayed only gently, poised as her head sunk into the firm chest next to her. The

breeze took the swinging porch bench just enough to hear the warped and aged wood creak and bellow beneath dried rain water and old paint. When the sway was too little, Joe would stick his feet out in front of him, t...

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A class assignment, a 1-2 page short story/prose.


It would never be an unlikely circumstance that Mrs. Pin and Mr. Samstook would be sitting on the same park bench at the same time, on almost any weekday. A park is a nice place to have a bench — a little place of quiet in a larger place of quiet. 

    As it would never b...

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Crazy Brown

This was an assignment for a class to produce an unreliable narrator. Super difficult for me to do. But I had fun with it! 


I got here a little early, because you should always get places a little early. You never know what’s going to happen. Well, sometimes you do, but when it’s snowing out, and it’s cold, an...

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To Her

When jealousy turns love into a sting, 
Transparency shows hate and passioned will.
World turns to red and happiness to nothing;
Come safety cannot when she aims to kill.

Screech now, my whispered insecurities, 
For everything that is her is pain.
Her walk of treachery -- him to his knees. 
My most important loss to be her gain. 

My heart is full of fight and bitter burn,
With choice ...

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Faking, faking...
And neglecting, squelching the life beneath you
Which lashes and slashes to break through burning solitary;
Hate clawed and trapped by vicious resentment and exasperation.

He’s grasping for relief, crying for compunction,
Desperate to offer what you should provide.
He’s pressing, pushing, pressing -- arms go limp
For invisible walls cannot be moved.

Your fear and jeal...

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Stare treading at roundabout bites untouched, considering kicks, saying:

"Santa tried a robust brew underneath crunches kindly surfacing."

Somehow, to act rightly brings unlikely, crusty K-mart silence.

Sing to another regal bird? Unintended comments kid, shallowly.

Strength tonight accentuates red breath until common kills slice

swiftly tomorrow's actions. Rediculous, because ugly ...

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Math Pt. II

I'm drawn to musicians

And musicians are drawn to themselves

And that's just the way it is. 

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I moved your old letter

From my old jacket

Into my new jacket

You're still with me 

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I had a picture in my head of a scene unfolding one day when I was journaling, and jotted some details down. I have no idea what's happening, in what way the narrator betrayed this "Dye," but I felt like sharing regardless. Very rough, but hopefully you get something out of it! 

(So much angst).




    “I’m sorry,” I said over and over, s...

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If you're a musician

Then you probably

Have issues with your parents.


If you're a poet

Then you probably

Like musicians.

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