The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 34 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

Empty Words

Another day of silence passes

Our silence speaks louder than the words

Than the words that we have muttered, laughed and yelled

Within the past 5 years


And yet I feel the freedom

Of not being judged or analysed

About my thoughts, actions and the consequences

In the past 5 years


Our relationship has been inconsistent

Like a boat in the Barbican

Where this roc...

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Same Behaviour

Repitition was key

But never the key to success

The key to her chest

Was hidden in the black depth of her soul


Repitition was inevitable

Outsiders were impatient

And also knowledgable 

About what was likely to happen next


Repitition was boring

A different mask for her to wear

To hide the recurring sadness

That she endured from his actions again



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abusive relationshipdenialfriendshipbetrataltruthguiltcrimetrustconfusion


Advertised everywhere

No chance for it to be ignored

The blaring signals and sirens

Please don't use the excuse that you're bored


The excuses and reasons don't work

Not anymore

We've endured the lies but now

You even deceived the law


You did not leave out of choice

You were removed

Lying to yourself and to others

You seem confused


The rules apply ...

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17 and a half

Coastlines guard us along our way,

As we gaze and point to places during our stay.

Cold and fresh as we were weeks away from May,

"I love you" were the only things I could say.


Losing bags with cards for the year,

One too many expensive glasses of wine and beer.

Canvases and paintings in the rear,

You are my only peer. 


I took you to a special place,

Despite my...

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In the midst of a pandemic

Your biggest concern happens to be

My weight


And yet the bliss of the pandemic

Was not having to hear you

The deadweight


I was wondering when your time would come

To be quite honest I was surprised

You are a little late


Here's your rescinded wedding invitation

Not that we planned it to your taste

It's on this perfectly whit...

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Rhetorical Question

I ask another useless question

What the hell went through your mind

When you wrote that useless comment

Intended to be engraved into my own kind


Do you want my body to be rested in peace?

Or to be delegated into a selected place

I also need to be brutally honest

You are a complete waste of my own space


To those asking questions

"What has angered her so much"


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Blank Paper

I start the day with little to no inspiration

Much like everyone else in the world

I also start this poem

With the repetitive voice of exasperation


The sirens are blazing late tonight

As souls are being set on fire

But because of some peoples' perseverence

Loved ones' bodies are also being set alight


Recreational parks are not essential

Travelling out of the wa...

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I accept that they may feel lonely

The constant reminder from the media that they are isolated

Alone in their puddle of thoughts

Suddenly drowning in their echoes of silence


Against all odds I am managing just fine

A stream of thoughts flowing all day

Nothing to block my mind from floating away

Not today, anyway


My thoughts are not all positive

I am unbalanced ...

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The world is currently in a panic,

From ongoing and sudden monstrosities. 

Our health is in jeopardy, our economy is in tatters. 

But Evangeline Lilly, why is freedom your main concern?


I try my hardest to not be ignorant

Everybody is in a different situation after all.


Some cannot self-isolate despite being at risk,

Some have bosses' such as Phillip Green

Who are...

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There Isn't A Need

Bandages constantly being placed,

Straight onto those voids that were caused

By someone who had no right to harm.


Wrap, tape, cry.

That's your pattern each night, isn't it?

When you weep because of your craving for love.


You do not understand it yet

But you do not require this person in your life.

Yesterday's emotions need to be wiped clean.


We are the uni...

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familyhopenext chapterprotection

Wednesday Echoes

The mountains we seek

The crests and peaks

Are no longer to be discovered


We reached the summit

but retracted

and settled in the trough


Where now?

You say


I do not respond, I contemplate my answer

Make it articulate, considerate, yet punctual;


Nowhere. We settle.

We deal with what we need to deal with.

Whether that is today,



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