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2023 (1)

2015 (Remove filter)

Unable to live without Love

Being in love is giving someone else your heart to do with as they please

For better or worse

Allowing yourself to be completely vulnerable with another

You're over the're happy...nothing could bring you down...nothing and no one could hurt you

It's the ones that you hold the closest that can cut you the deepest

All things must come to an end...nothing is permanent


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A piece of my soul

half of my heart

Never could I imagine loving someone in such a way 

I live for her smiles

I heart beats to hear her laugh

I hang upon her every unspoken word

Her beauty warms my pain

Her eyes drive me to earn her admiration

All for her...

My whole world for her

Before we ever even met she encouraged me to change for the better

My love for her fi...

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