by Carl E. McClellan
Forgiveness ~ an act of Self Love
When I talk about Forgiveness,
I am not talking about you sitting down with an ex or whoever,
and telling them you forgive them for whatever they did to you
so they can feel better, No.
The Forgiveness I Am talking about is done for the Self,
it is an act of Self Love, meant to remove the
burden of Anger/Sorrow from Your Soul.
Done in the privacy of You...
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Sunday 2nd April 2023 7:08 pm
Forgiveness Love Compassion Grace Self One All
by Carl E. McClellan
We are who we are Today because we were who we were Yesterday.
We do what we do Today because we did what we did Yesterday.
We will become who we become Tomorrow because of who we are Today.
So, if you get stuck in who you were Yesterday, instead of Living
who you are Today, then who you become Tomorrow,
will be shaped more by who you were
Yesterday, than who you are Today.
Just to ...
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Monday 3rd January 2022 9:51 pm
Today Tomorrow Yesterday Change Allow Be
by Carl E. McClellan
Each glorious day that we awake,
There are many choices we all must make.
Every choice brings new lessons for you to learn,
If you study well, then ascension you will earn.
Choices choices which one should I choose?
If made with love in your heart, you cannot lose.
Free Will is granted to all so make your own Choice,
Some lessons are easier when you listen to your inner voice.
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Friday 31st December 2021 11:09 pm
Choice Choices Love Heart FreeWill
by Carl E. McClellan
A single tear or multitude, what do they mean?
Do they serve a purpose? no reason can be seen.
A tear drop is so small but expresses emotions from deep inside,
Of which most women are in touch with, while men run and hide.
So who is the stronger sex, one that shows her true passion,
Or he who holds it back in some macho fashion.
I was there for many years, more of a man if I did not ...
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Thursday 30th December 2021 11:34 pm
Tears Emotions Knowledge
by Carl E. McClellan
It is my belief, we have
entered a time of change.
This is our chance
to come together
instead of pushing and
pulling each other apart.
A time for us
to act out of Love
instead of Fear.
Find something to be for,
just let go of the things
you are against.
The past is gone,
we can do nothing about it.
The Future is open before us,
to create our lives, our World,
however we wa...
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Thursday 30th December 2021 9:01 pm
Peace Love Joy
by Carl E. McClellan
Life is a lesson plan no one can escape,
With effort you might, but your own Soul you do scrape.
We are all Immortal souls here to learn and be healed,
Make a wrong choice, just learn from it, your fate is never sealed.
A unique agenda for each, the only choice is the pace,
Take it slow, or speed it along, only ourselves to face.
Is life purely haphazard, or strictly etched in stone?...
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Tuesday 28th December 2021 11:52 pm
by Carl E. McClellan
Between the old and new I stand,
If I lift a foot, where will I land?
Even as pain whispers to my Heart,
In this place I stay, feet wide apart.
Step soon or into the chasm I will fall,
Makes perfect sense, so why do I stall?
For reasons unknown, I hold my ground,
I try to listen, but there is no sound.
To step forward does not feel like a choice,
Have Faith, take a leap says th...
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Tuesday 28th December 2021 10:56 pm
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