The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


She walks around like she has it, she's not mad but she's magic. Caught up in a world that sends us through a mind game, she's keeping her composure but she's cracking around the frame. 

It's too late now but time is never lost, a little more push and you can meet the cost, of what it takes to make it out alive. If you're looking for some meaning then this is your sign. 

She keeps a smile fr...

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One by one, every echo bounces off the wall, cant let go. You told me not to worry but went out of sight in quite a hurry. Felt all alone, couldnt unfold all of my darkest thoughts into a language we both spoke. 

I'd raised the pillars from the ground and made them cast over me, as long as I kept them tall, I'd never be afraid to fall 

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Melting Heart

Melting away on my he inside is a heart so pure that shouldve never seen this fire. It should have never felt the flames jump from excitement as they found more to scorch. 

It should've never been known how fire is used as a way to produce quicker results, for then it would've never let the flames dance underneath or start to let the flames grow, beginning at his feet. 

Slowly over time, the...

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Hold On Me

I've got some secrets I admit, but who are you to decide if this is as far as I'll get? I don't want to pass with my pride out of reach but I also really want to no longer fucking breathe

Nail all the images I try to escape from along the lining of my mind. Then manifest each one into what I truly fear inside.

Shedding my skin just to slide back into the same disguise I thought I'd destroyed...

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I cant seem to wrap my head around, the reason that you left. 

Maybe I'm tired or just coming down but your voice is all that's left in this silence now, I cant really answer when or how.

Sticks and stones may break my bones; but your words destroyed me 

And they tell me not to dwell, just to let it on go but as the silence grows louder I'm losing grips of the rope. If only I could carry ...

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