The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Raising a Rose

With the first and potentially only tattoo

I celebrate this wet dark blue

With sleeves exposed to the moon

Don't you dare judge me, this art isn't for you...


Like ink on skin and ink on paper

This is my own creation

A red rose with a blue stem wraps around my arm

So that when we shake hands you see one piece of a bouquet

And I tell you something poetic like, 


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Black Cats are Brightest in Daylight

Calico cats are an epitome of beauty

A creole of colors and an unruly hooligan

Yet the world still thinks this is horribly gorgeous

Praised on paper but never in person

The world says it loves black cats, but believes in myths and curses

The biggest cats are only seen as claws and fur

Yet the women who can afford this apparel ignore the lost and feral

Common colors of house ca...

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These Cages Aren’t Metaphors Anymore

A man loves freedom outside his own abode

Not quick to drink but virtues soon are lost

How fast luck moves! Escape though? ‘Twas so close

Pulled over, cuffed, he learned this liquor’s cost

Now should he leave this fearful site unscathed

He’ll prosper after papers set him free

The luck remained and helped him walk that day

Yet cells contained inmates in need of leave


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