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Time stretched as she faded;

Lengthened, folded in on time

Extended, never ended.


Eternity must have seemed

An earthly hell

Peopled intermittently by friends:

A nightmare dream of pain and daemons


What superhuman will

Kept her through those summer months

What need, desire or wish

Held death's sad end at bay?


In the end, fading faded

Light left, sy...

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On leaving a hospital room

The sky in front of me is pink, as I drive home‚

there will be a frost tonight.

Beneath it the brackened hills lie pinkly rust

And trees stand starkly laced in contrast

I see every distant twig defined, sharp against the pearlescent sky.


Not much later, I sit over tea and look west

to where the sky is left creamily gold.

Above, the darkling blue is split by a fading pink ...

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