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Spoken Word poetry (Remove filter)

Unholy Boss

Unholy Boss

It was during the Pandemic of 2020,
when I heard a boss chewing out a worker.
“You’ve been coming in late…Lately”
“You check your phone too much, buddy”
“You drag your feet too much, after lunch.”
“You take too long when you get the stuff.”
“Your attitude has been terrible, man.”
“And that’s why I have to make rules for everyone.”

He says this while working during a shut d...

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Spoken Word poetrysocial justiceworking class menfreedom

House of Giants

House of Giants


Through houses of Giants,
we crawl on our knees.

We slave for our feed,
and all of our need.

They have framed our life,
till the day we die

Through their house, we fly,
work, and drive.

Their bones corrupt us,
surround us, and stink.

Every word is no.
Every sign is stop.
Everything is wait.
I’m gonna escape.

I will find a way.
I will be free.


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freedomSpoken Word poetryconspiracytruthgreeddestruction

I Hate Lying

I Hate Lying


I hate lying;
it’s a weakness.
It shows a truth;
that others rule me.

If I have to lie;
it’s to avoid pain,
discomfort, and shame.
To make you feel good.

Slaves lie to the boss;
to save their lifeline.
But, to hell with him,
and his profit.

I live my life,
to never lie.
My freedom dies,
under your rules.

If I must lie,
you won’t be near.
I love to be ...

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Spoken Word poetryfreedomtruth

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