The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Limerick-bit o' fun

There was a young woman from Hull

Who found poetry ever so dull

She wanted some fun

So wrote limericks and puns

To the outrage of all those on WOL

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The Need for Sun

Some people need speed,

Some people need fun,

What he desired was the warmth of the sun.


It makes you wonder how far he would go

To feel that warmth, that never ending glow.


It’s hard to believe he would destroy his whole world,

Leave the ones that he loved, the comfort, the home.


He searched for another, who lived in the sun.

It mattered not how she looked, ...

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I'm Sorry

I’m sorry that I love you,

I’m sorry that I care,

I’m sorry that I want to protect you,

I’m sorry that I’m there.


I’m sorry that I hold your hand,

I’m sorry I need a hug,

I’m sorry that I look at you with never ending love.


I’m sorry for my weeping,

I’m sorry for the guilt,

But when it comes to loving you,

I know I’m just a mug.

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I hate what you did to me,

But I love you.


I despise what you did to me,

But I love you.


It was not your fault,

I love you.


She was a witch, a sorcerer,

I love you.


She was a seducer, a temptress.

I love you.


How can I protect you.

To love you?


I’ll hold you in my arms,

And love you.


Close tight to my breast,

And love ...

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If I Died

Financially trapped,

Emotionally trapped,

Socially trapped.


It would solve a lot if I died.


My pension freed,

To do as you pleased,

Plenty in the pot.


It would solve a lot if I died.


Marriage vowed redeemed.

No more guilt,

Follow your dreams.


It would solve a lot if I died.

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For Everyone else

I gave so much to everyone else,

There was nothing left for you,

I didn’t think it mattered,

You had enough for two.


How wrong I was,

Your love ran dry,

A drop left at the bottom.

She lapped it up with poetry,

And I was then forgotten.

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The Next Victim

Her eyes are dark,

Her lips are full,

Her hair flows down her shoulders.


She’s on the prowl,

for a victim to snare.

The more vulnerable the better.


She uses words to catch her prey,

They sound so innocent, so sad.

Who can resist those entrancing notes

Of a little girl so hurt.


He was weak.

He was taken in.

The next victim in her love.


I tr...

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Trying to Fall Out of Love

You have made it quite clear,

You don’t want me to love you.

You want us just to be friends.


I will try my best,

But I make no promises.

I will try to fall out of love.


I will be patient,

I will be kind,

Never jealous, rude or selfish.

I will not take offence.


I delight in the truth,

Ready to excuse, to trust, to hope.

I will endure whatever comes...

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The Seducer

Beware you vulnerable men,

The seducer is on the prowl,

She reads your poetry and knows,

Your weaknesses and woes.


She makes her way into your hearts,

with words of lust and pity.

Destroys your lives, your hopes, your loves.

For her own craving of sympathy.

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I wake, sit up,

Get use to the upright.

A chink of light around the door,

All else is black.

I feel my way to the bathroom,

A sip of cold water straight from the tap.

Carefully back to bed.

Trying not to stub my toe.

Arrrgh – a silent scream.


I hear your breath,

Blind to my love,

Blind to the treasure you once offered.

Unaware of the sorrow of those with no...

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A tap on the bum,

A hug from behind,

A kiss on the neck,

Look at me from the side.


These mean so much more

Than those three little words


“I love you”

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We had everything,

We had money,

We had health,

We had jobs,

We had family,

We had a home,

We had love,

We had sex,




We had children,

We had cars,

We had food,

We had space,

We had freedom,

There was one thing we had in abundance…....... Boredom.

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A Marriage of Convenience

You say you have to stay,

But you don’t love me.

I am a convenience.


Like the store on the corner,

I am easy to access.

I am a convenience.


I have all that you need,

But nothing you desire.

I am a convenience.


But watch out,

I may not always be so convenient.

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Will I Do?

I don’t have deep brown eyes,

I don’t have pouting lips,

I don’t have curves abundant,

But will I do?


I don’t have social eloquence,

I don’t have words of charm,

I don’t have seductive poetry,

But will I do?


I don’t live in sunshine,

I don’t need the warmth,

I do have love to give you,

So will I do?

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