The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Station

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chris leibowc.a. leibowpoetryaudio file


a poem about finding yourself.

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chris leibowpoetryhomecomingaudio file

She Leaves Me Small Gift

for Shay Mowrey Pauley

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christopher leibowpoetryaudio filelove poemshe leave me small gifts

This Thing

A poem about the rawness and openness of a new love affair.  I will upload a better recording later.  The music performed is by a young artist named Chaz Prymek.  You really should check him out.

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chris leibowchaz prymekpoetrythis thingsalt lake cityAudio file

Summer 1968

Poem about my childhood.

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chris leibowfamily poemaudioc.a.leibowpoetrysalt lake city


This is a poem wrote for Harpo Marx.  I always loved him as a kid.  He was an avid croquette player and had a beautiful singing voice. 

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harpo marxharpochris leibowaudiomarx brotherscroquette

Cienfuegos Cigar Company

This is an older poem that was written when I learned that women who rolled cigars would hire a man to read to them why they were rolling.  I loved the image and the poem started there.  I also like the title, because cienfuegos is translated as a hundred fires.  Enjoy.

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cienfuego cigarpoetrychris leibowcubapoemAudio file

Dominga Corazon

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dominga corazonchris leibowpoliticalpoetryAudio

Banvard's Folly


Originally Published in Juked

Banvard's Folly

by c.a. leibow
"Does anyone still want to go with me into a panorama?"

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john banvardpushcart awardchris leibowjuked.companoramamax brodmississippi river

Of Love and War

Of Love and War

sometime love is greater than a man’s convictions.”
                                      – Isaac Bashevis Singer 


Hungrily we touch
                            each other’s
How c...

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c.a. leibowpoetryhistory

Her Subtle Lean Left

Here is a poem I wrote a few years ago. I will update with a better recording soon.

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christopher leibowc.a. leibowsalt lake citywear me passionate

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