The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fight Defeat

Suicide is not cowardly, but it’s not brave
Everyone says you become wiser with age
But is that really the case when most of us live in our own defeat?
Everyone sits happily, afraid to show their true selves; afraid to show they’re weak
You don’t have to accept defeat, you can fight it, you don’t have to be meek

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suicide awarenesssuicide preventionsuicide depressionaccepting yourselfhumble

Lost in the World

I search for you in this lost world

The more I search, the more the air grows thin

Just as I think to give up, I hear you call out-

"Don't give up, give it another whirl.

You have to carry on for both of us and win."

How can I do this without you by my side?

I lie in the cold, remembering your beautiful smile

I wish you could have held on for just a little while

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missing youbrotherlost loved onesurviving suicide

Trapped - Haiku

I'm trapped in darkness

Searching for the light to leave

Will I ever find it?

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haikuhaiku poemstrappeddarknesssearching

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