The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Hollow tree

The tree that carries many memories of the act of love faith and sacrifices through the blood that will cleanse the ground of the tree and its memories of the thing that has past

The tree that surrounds them are few but many cost at a great burden of wisdom guidance through a test of faith through the trial of strength through the heart mind body and soul

Many may hide many may run many may ...

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poetryblind faithfamily poem

The hollow man



The hollow man is the memory of valley and hill of life these valleys show no end but plain of enteral life


The man gets his name empty hall of many dreams and lies within a house of the phantom, teacher, mistress through their trial an experience from the love of family and soul value


The hollow man filled with regret an empathy toward the phantom we collected through th...

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war poetrypoetrylife cycleIntegerity honesty truth tragedy life society

The 7 Valley

the 7 valley of life the first is the flower of lily it beauty that surrounds it

the lily of the meadow is the grace and beauty through the decade shown in the hill of turmoil and despair 

the lily of Meadow has many beautiful things some carved by memory other by earth but flawless in their making and no ruin to be found

the 7 valley of life the second is a forest of dreams made the drea...

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Poetrypath of lifechartsbed time poem for childrenmental health awareness

The trials

The valley of the light equal shadow of truth an love through the darkest moment   
Fear is a great divider and the greatest enemy are through fear of our mind and body 
Let rain cleanse the darkness through the tear of joy and laughter and love  
The fear of love is the admitting to your heart calling   
The love  of fear teaches us to be careful and open-minded to are surrounding through 5 s...

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poetryfamily poemfriends of the earthlovekey

The rythm of life

The heart purity is a mind of understanding an wisdom nit in anger but in love an truth 

The life of men are sometimes jugde for emotional weakness but the strength us in the emotion we feel 

The body of the soul is like water that asorb the memory of the life we live 

The fear of it an not knowing are the understandable of other is the  greatest fear of men 

The fear of many is the ab...

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sad poetrypath of lifeloved onesgenetic memory

The velvet curtain

On the outside of this curtain there many beauty of the soft velvet an the Line in it but the beautiful thing is not what we can see, feel, hear , smell,or touch but this curtain contain many beauty through it

The most radiance thing in this curtain is the memory it hold from thw year it been there asorbing the memory like water on a beach

There beauty of it lye behind the most painful thing...

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equality villain of truthfamily poempoetryStuart Vanner

The fire of Truth an passion

The fire on passion is a blaze of pure heart an simple mind that will be sudal an open to the blaze 

The fire of passion have gift but curse sometime the sudal word are the passion of a man with pure heart 

A passion of blaze the ones is love through sudal an unknow desire of the heart 

The blaze that will consume the soul with truth an blindness of it danger that lurk 

The sudal of wo...

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The techer of the life of men

The phantom of the past is a memory of the day that were loat in flame of understanding an love an grief 

the phantom of the past is a shadow the haunt you from the memory you never let go of 

the phantom of the past is a poison of the few an many thing that are hard to swallow 

the phantom of the past is a keeper of learning through the ashe of mistake an power of it hold you to 

the ...

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family poemmental healthdysfunctional familysad poems

The soldier poem

Im am a solder that never fought but battle in my life. 

I am a man with no fear but fear is my nature . 

Im a man that strong though strength of heart. 

I am a man that seen war that will tear apart thing in it path. 

Im a man that taught strength is in control of emotion. 

I am a man that was taught wisdom but never listened. 

I a man that rather face my battle on my shoulder t...

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sleeping soldier peomrange anxietyPTSDpoems aboit mental health

Block of truth

Word can sharp an quiet like a breeze.   

Wird ore harsh an rough like the sand we walk in  

Word are a breath of trust an lie.  

Word can often Hurt but they speak sudol Truth to heart.  

The word we speak can last a generation or millunium through are word an test that spread from them. 

For sometime the hardest truth is from the word of the heart.   

There sudal an deep.   


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sad love poetrypath of lifehard truthsleeping soldier peomsoldier

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