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Our humanity


because we are not allowed;

to be ourselves,

to feel proud.

We have to hide behind our face;

our body,

our tone,

our beliefs,

our race.

But what makes us so different?

Really think.

We both need food, warmth and water to drink.

We both try our best to muddle through.

We aren’t so different me and you.

Neither of us want to be alone.

We would bo...

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Born a soldier

I could have been good.

I could have chose right.

But who makes it so?

What makes it light?

Why when I scratch away at the surface,

Does it seem less simple? Less perfect.

How can I know that it’s what I should do,

When I base my decisions, solely on you?

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A never ending struggle

You try to hide yourself.

You try to run, to start again.

You tell yourself lies;

Are you any more sane?


It's waiting there.

It always will.

Building strength, but never for you.

Against you; a fight, a battle of will.


No matter what you do,

It has patience and time.

Every time it returns, you remember the lie.


There's momentary relief in the simples...

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