The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


One day

I will make you tea

Fluff the blankets and sheets

One day

I will build you a garden 

Plant some seeds

One day

I will take your face in my hands

One day

You will understand 

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She hid in my chambers 

Stored her music in right atrium

As quiet as she stayed

The songs she would whisper 

Danced loudly in my veins 

I tried to drown her lyrics out

But the blood rushed all of

Her secrets to my brain

Every ventricle has coagulated 

Memories that are clinging to

Walls inside my heart

Causing sclerosis clouding my 

Better judgment to push her a...

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hearthiddenLovesecrettwin flame

Twin Flame


There was a girl made of glass

As fragile as she was

She roamed from city to city

In search of...


There was a girl made from sand

She slept underneath the sun

All of her life

She conformed to the raging sea

That crashed and carried her


The wind carried the glass girl

Until she appeared on the beach

She walked carefully, as to not cut the 

Sand ...

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Lovetwin flamelesbian

Lost Letter

Last conversation

Stuck on replay

Wrote a letter

Scribbled on a few pages

Just to fall into the crevices 

Of my heart

Words missing to a story untold

About two strangers afraid 

To see what might unfold

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With every shape we make

The sand keeps blowing through our fingertips

With every mistake we make

Chances, they take us by storm, begging for refuge 

And still...we change our minds


Acrylic, technicolor blues trickling down

Our perfect lines now

With paint thinner

We can still change our minds



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