The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Once again

Where was the fire that burned with in,

Water and earth would bring it to an end. 

Giving thanks for all she had,

The mystery of life were never bad.

Flying high like the eagle and hawk, 

She was wise never to get caught. 

Swimming thur the stars of change,

Everything could be the same. 

Better find the truth within, 

Tomorrow will be just like him.....



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her heart was so loving,

night was a delightful coming,

she was alive and curoius

pretending he was serious

she wanted him so much

was the truth of such,,,,


the same feeling rose again,

she blessed him until the end.

never will she forget,

how he touch her when they met

never in person or in the flesh,

but again and again, she felt his caress.


it must ...

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how on earth can that happen,

the feeling like something snapping.

reading back on words that rythmed

before she met him, that was sublime.

he effected her before they met,

she rode her bike and never was upset.

miles she traveled to meet this man,

for 2mths she listened to his plan.

now she is wanting to go back,

knowing that he may just tell her to pack...

and lea...

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. thunder beiiiing

awesome thunder beings floating thur,

lighting kissing the earth to make it new.

lava spilling thur the lands,

mama earth making a stand.

rain drops falling in a gentle way,

what a wonderful time to pray.

givinig thanks for all i recieve,

the laugher, the joy, what more do i need,,,

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~ inspiration style ~

Inspiration puts a smile on my face,

i have nothing to prove to this human race.

Spreading the words of powerful intention,

rising in truth, listeing to wisdom.

Sacred temples with sounds of cosmic voice,

poetry preformer, singing words of thier choice.

Inner circle of prayer and song,

driving the world, sacred and long.

Orchestra the perfect clarity,

musical instruments...

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:: :: BYCYCLE DITCH TROLL, riding thur your town

BYCYCLE DITCH TROLL, looking all around.

BYCYCLE DITCH TROLL searching for a ditch

BYCYCLE DITCH TROLL, she will never switch.

BYCYCLE DITCH TROLL, trolling the ground.

BYCYCLE DITCH TROLL ther's a ditch to be found,

wake up in the morning, the sun is coming up.

you better rise and shine, and give that ditch up.


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~ univerity ~

 ` as ancient times,  the learning is true.

universitys & universe are the school..

live what you learn in a peaceful way,

for then life will truely play..

listening close as the wind blows by,

learning from others , we begin to fly..

book open , reading the words,

feeling the lesson is not absurd..

be greatful and proud for who you are,

the angels know your a shinning s...

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" cautch in a web "

Why did you have to come into my world,

everything seems to be in a swirl.

I was focus and cool with being me,

now i am caught in yur web you see.

I told you i wanted you for myself,

what was i thinking my crazy elf.

i am so lonely and wanted a friend,

i know it wont be till the end.

my route is different than yours today,

peddeling my life may be in an opposite way.


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" ancient oak tree "

Like an oak tree, my face beautifys with age,

like an oak tree, we turn another page.

i stand in the wind, as the sun shines thur,

oh anicent oak tree, let me be just like you.

you draw yur waters from the earth so deep,

the shade you give me, is something i will keep.

oh anicent oak tree let me be like you

yur beauty is sacred this is true,

oh ancient oak tree.....

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.. amor ..

The love i have is exploding thur my mind,

i close my eyes and the star light shines.

when i think of you in the dusty rain,

i remember ther was never mystic pain.

i have so much love i think i will burst,

i never wanted to hear the curse.

my sileance was the spark of your love,

and when the morning returned, it was the white dove.

i sang to the river, and prayed to the tr...

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" dancin stream "

i saw you dancin in the stream,

I then realized it was only me.

we danced like two eagles in the sky,

soaring high i began to cry.

i am old you are young,

its nothing but an ancient song.

creator guided me that day,

now i sit to pray and pray.

i am a spiritual warrior,

you can hear me in the west,

late at night by the waterfall,

i come to help you rest.


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" frog & me "

Little frog in the tree,

thank you for healing me.

guide me thur this jungle path,

i surrender to your mask.

little frog in the tree,

thank you for guiding me.

cleanse and purify my soul,

you are special this i know...

                         by coyote whitewind

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