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Finding Van Gogh In Ramsgate

The last time I had made his acquaintance was in New York

His Mountains at Saint-Rémy hangs resplendent in The Guggenheim

And I was entranced coming face to face with Vincent’s art

in frame

Vividly he depicted his visions of the world, so full of passion and energy

The memory stayed with me…

Finding a bust of Vincent in Ramsgate felt peculiarly odd

He lived in Spencer Square a...

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Every Day A Celebration

I wrote this for a Guy Fawkes Night poetry event back in 2013 (yes, such a thing actually happened!)I wrote this for a Guy Fawkes Night poetry event back in 2013 (yes, such a thing actually happened!)

Remember, Remember…the what of November?
Was sure there was something…try to remember
Dates in a diary, reminders of significance
Sure there was something...just think perchance
Perchance to t...

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And I Never Knew Her Name

She bit into the green apple with perfect white teeth.

Is her hair really that shade of red? I suspend disbelief.

Smartly dressed she stands, all the world her stage.

Happily serving anyone coffee she earns her wage.

She sees all life going on, smilingly serving drinks all day.

She must have heard it all, chatted up in every possible way.

Managing to look like the coffees she sel...

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A tribute to Wallasey born astronomer Heather Couper (1949-2020) and her passion for life


1986 Halley’s Comet payed its orbital visit

On the clearest, darkest night

Looking skyward with naked eyes

Comet and tail obvious against the stars

Media covered the historic occasion

The Sky at Night had a special guest

Heather Couper stood outside

Enthusiasm infectious


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It Must Be Him

The place is Birkdale during the British Open Golf, and a case of mistaken identity back in the late 1980’s, as related to me many years later by a friend


Seve, he’s my favourite golfer

I recognise him from TV

Look, it must be him


He’s going into that supermarket

Let’s follow to be sure

For certain, it must be him


Be discrete, play it cool

Keep our distance


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Rhododendrons And The Hudson River

Unexpected botanical specimens appreciated as we wait

Rhododendrons growing wild, well untamed at any rate

We want to see it after dark, adding textures, night views

Navigated Hell’s Kitchen, towards our Liberty Cruise

Flowers near the ferry office, she takes photos up close

Standing back I admire her, a poem in my head I compose


The tour starts, Liberty awaiting our pleasur...

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Every Day A Celebration (even the 5th of November!)

Remember, Remember…the what of November?
Was sure there was something…try to remember
Dates in a diary reminders of significance
Sure there was something...just think perchance
Perchance to think…or was it sleep?
Or is perchancing to think altogether too deep?
Ahhh good old computer the answers I seek
To google or not? I’ll just have a peek
November is Vegan Month…hurray!
I’m writing this...

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Jacques Brel Would Be Shocked (Amsterdam)


Waiting to be shocked

Well perhaps a bit

Glimpsing the wild side of life…for a little while

Train station looks remarkably ordinary

Still…the city awaits there!

Follow the people to excitement

They turn right from the exit

In their wake we go

Hey, this can’t be right?

M & S, BHS and H & M

We could be anywhere!

Amsterdam is wild, everyone says so!!!


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Tales To Tell

Fine jester in the court of noble king

Telling his stories in songs to sing

If he didn’t please, he’d lose his head

Which would leave him feeling pretty dead


Music hall orator his tales shared

Before his audience his soul he bared

Needing to be fit, fast on his legs

If unliked he’d be pelted with eggs


Before them stood the poet tall

In tradition of jester and m...

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