The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dean Fraser

Updated: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 08:47 am

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I had always written poetry but in 2012 it began to become more of a professional focus in my life when I found myself thrust into the spotlight after I got asked to perform a poem at a humongous event in my home city. Here I realized through performing my poems live I could reach many people, bringing some joy and happiness through sharing my poetic stories that rhyme (sometimes!). I went on a massive tour for a year which saw me perform at over two hundred venues, which was a wonderful learning curve and certainly put me on the map poetically. I also ended up as resident poet on a local TV channel for a while and hosted a poetry-themed radio show for six years, only stopping all of this to leave as long as it took in my life to write my novel The Spirits at Jim's Bar, which ended up being seven months. I perform a select number of poetry shows each year. Get in touch for availability


Finding Himself in Nature Deep in the heart of the forest He lingers a moment to rest He knows well his destination Two hours meander his estimation Finding the oldest tree of all, he hesitates Sat, leant against the trunk he meditates High within the mountain peaks Within himself answers he seeks All the world below somewhere Quietly he finds his spot up there Sheltered by cairn, thoughts he elevates Gale rages all around as he meditates Waves roar as they crash upon beach Yet he’s here some wisdom to reach Upon his rock facing the wildest sea Spray washed, alive he feels such empathy As once again he enters altered states In the heart of the storm, he meditates Natural wonder he found all around Emanating from deep within the ground Carried on the wind, the rain and snow Seeking answers in caves or plateau Whatever journey he undertakes Wherever he goes, he meditates I have meditated since my teenage years (a little while ago) and although I love to meditate on trains, my preferred location is always within nature

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Dean Fraser

Boots Too (30/11/2024)

Follow Your Bliss (14/06/2024)

Dragonfly (26/11/2023)

Dividing The Land (25/07/2021)

Come Work In Our Factories (10/07/2021)

There Is Art In This City (22/06/2021)

Be Kind To You (15/06/2021)

Wisdom Of The Tree (23/05/2021)

Understanding Begins With Ourselves (19/05/2021)

After Salvador (29/04/2021)

More audio from Dean Fraser…

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<Deleted User> (9882)

Tue 3rd Nov 2020 15:45

Hi Dean. Sorry for not thanking you for your ' like ' on my poem-

' illicit alternatives '

so yes, thank you so much!

Rose ?

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Wed 1st Jul 2020 12:13

Thank you Cynthia!

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 1st Jul 2020 11:50

Dean, check the final paragraph of your bio. I think you intend 'meant to be'. But maybe not. Perhaps, it's a jazzy little 'trap'.

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Sat 13th Jun 2020 18:02

I have to admit I did forget about WOL a wee bit and then came across my link when I suddenly found myself with more time on my hands! ?

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