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Most beautiful dragonfly you ever did see.

Descends to land upon my left knee.

We looked one another deep in the eye.

Then with a wink, it flew away into the sky.

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Programme Accepted

Our brains


For better

Or all too often worse

What we listen to

What we watch

On television

Or the internet

With false words

False images

There was a time

Way back when

All our experiences


Were real

Actual happenings

In our lives

Not any more

Other people’s words

Other people’s pictures

Fed directly into us


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poetryphilosophyfreedomreal life

Finding Van Gogh In Ramsgate

The last time I had made his acquaintance was in New York

His Mountains at Saint-Rémy hangs resplendent in The Guggenheim

And I was entranced coming face to face with Vincent’s art

in frame

Vividly he depicted his visions of the world, so full of passion and energy

The memory stayed with me…

Finding a bust of Vincent in Ramsgate felt peculiarly odd

He lived in Spencer Square a...

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Every Day A Celebration

I wrote this for a Guy Fawkes Night poetry event back in 2013 (yes, such a thing actually happened!)I wrote this for a Guy Fawkes Night poetry event back in 2013 (yes, such a thing actually happened!)

Remember, Remember…the what of November?
Was sure there was something…try to remember
Dates in a diary, reminders of significance
Sure there was something...just think perchance
Perchance to t...

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Come Work In Our Factories

Long hours spent toiling the land, his family had done for generations.

Living in tune with the seasons, never thinking of other occupations.

Farmers his father and grandfather before him had been, what else to be?

Of his sons he was proud, he said “one day you will take over from me”.


Come work in our factories, leave your village, leave your land.

Come work in our factories, ...

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Observed On My Travels

There it sits nailed to its tree

So long after the event…so long

A statement of intent to make

And yet the message was lost to me

Sadly, lost within their ignorance

Here we have a living thing

It has lived longer than you or I

Vital for our survival…essential

Wounded, yet still very much alive this tree

And how one rusty nail speaks volumes

As it holds it’s now faded ...

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