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The Fallen Chain

The Chain it has fallen

Gone broke, and gone bust

Thousands lose jobs

Thousands bite dust


But still must pay bills

With no more income

Chain-maker's in mansion

No problem, ho hum


Millions, no problem

Stored in the bank

Splash round same lifestyle

Drink sauvignon blanc


A case of one biting

Off more than can chew

A la Roman Empire

This Chai...

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Haiku - Give Don a Break


Stuck in haiku web

What's going on with you Don?

Write proper poems


What's going on here?

Us Japanese not happy

Give your Don a break


Don Matthews  26 May  2019





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Haiku - Obsessions


Obsessions create

But they can also destroy.

Watch. And keep in check


Don Matthews. 24 May 2019

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My IPad Door to WOL


I've been asked to dig into

The well of inspiration 

Provided by my hospital 

Ladder-fall  duration


As a WOL contributor

Computer (still at home)

You'll know of my frustration

Can't send you up a poem


My WOLers will be missing me

(You've stopped me drinking beer)

It seems they did feel sorry cos

This IPad did appear


Now IPads may be useful


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No-one Was A Winner


Crying when you entered

Crying when you die

People shocked, they  questioned

Why so early?  Why?


People didn't reach out

Too wrapped up with their life

To notice you in trouble

To notice you in strife


The scourge of heroin took you

Others 'round were blind

Too wrapped up in their selfishness

To reach out, and be kind


So no-one was a winner


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Haiku For Beginners



Haikus are easy

Just write down words till you reach

Seventeen sylla



Don Matthews  21 May 2019


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In Rehab Waiting Pelvic Knit

I'm waiting here in rehab

For pelvic bones to knit

Waiting for their mending

From concrete, where they hit


Four long weeks I've struggledi

Balanced on one leg

But rehab staff are happy cos

I eat my meat and veg


Sidetracking for a moment....


Now leg and veg don't aural rhyme

Despite they look they should

They're called 'eye rhymes' and trick the brain


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Haikus Not Easy



Haikus not easy

No willy-nilly throw down

Much thinking needed


Like this one. Hard work

To achieve this skill level

Needs years of training



Don Matthews  20 May 2019



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Nurse Caroline on Patient Don

Been asked to tell you my story

Of how I pampered Don, made him well

How he lapped up as patient my offerings

How I ran whenever he rang his bell


He's now become one of my favourites 

I hang by the door, wait his call

Then quick as a flash I do enter

To massage pelvic bones (and enthrall)


He can now walk two-legged to the toilet

(But little bit wobbly to be exp...

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Nursie Caroline

Nursie Caroline


In hospital, been thinking

(As well as knitting bones)

Nurses are a wondrous lot

They're here for me, on loan


I really do applaud them

It's not a daily grind

It is more like a calling

They never seem to mind


I've still to yet get over

All that they do do

"Please help me nurse I need to

Go now, to the loo"


This doesn't even ...

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Rhyme comes natural to me.  Prose does not.  This causes problems as some feelings I want to express need prose, not rhyme.  So unskilled as I am in this area 'Orangutan' is a rare venture out of my rhyming comfort zone.  The story is true.



The picture waited publication

a grieving orangutan

her infant lost in labour


Where  Is the dead infant


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Shit! I've Lost My Privacy


Having fallen off a ladder and landed myself in hospital I am at the complete mercy of the nurses


Shit! I've lost my privacy

Don't like it, I'm not happy

Exposed myself from head to toe

For everyone to see


Don't worry Don we don't give toss

Whate'er you show to us

We nurses, docs have seen it all

Don't care, no need to fuss


Now getting used to ...

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If you've been in hospital

You'll know what I'm about

Routine shot, and traumatized

You want escape, get out


Different nurses float on by

Doctors lead their flock

All observing, taking notes

While you look on in shock


Patient wards all curtain-hung

Beds go in, go out

If you've been in hospital 

You'll know what I'm about


DM. May 7  2019




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Do you? I do

Do you hesitate when

Your thoughts have all unwound

To press the upload button

 And spread them all around ?


I do



Do you hesitate if

Your language seems bit rough

Will it upset readers

Does it sound bit tough ?


I do


Do you press regardless 

Cos that's the way you are

Want your thoughts to screen out

Regardless, near and far ?



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A flat screen

Is fixed to the wall


People interact




By choice


Like my hospital room




Don Matthews. 5 May 2019

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My Ladder Doesn't Like Me

Shit! I'm on the ground

Excrutiating pain

Ladder stands above me

Looking on in vain


No-one round to help me

Phone in pocket though

Gotta ring the ambulance

Hospital to go


Triple O says please stay still

Ladder says he will

Until you send the ambulance

I'll make sure he stays still


They took me to emergency

Scans, X-rays and all

Found I had s...

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