The Fallen Chain
The Chain it has fallen
Gone broke, and gone bust
Thousands lose jobs
Thousands bite dust
But still must pay bills
With no more income
Chain-maker's in mansion
No problem, ho hum
Millions, no problem
Stored in the bank
Splash round same lifestyle
Drink sauvignon blanc
A case of one biting
Off more than can chew
A la Roman Empire
This Chain did fall too
Don Matthews 27 May 2019
M.C. Newberry
Tue 28th May 2019 16:48
The entrepreneur offers others opportunities so it is always a matter
of deep regret when things go awry and both pay the price. But
without the risktakers who put their money where their mouth is
(excuse the culinary analogy) there would be even less opportunities
for employment. Food for thought ?? ?