I got a way with Butterflies
I have no excuse for butterflies
they wind down the wind
flutter by like newspaper headlines
confidential files opened carelessly
I've often hoped for X-rays
of your eyes so I could see
inside lies meant for plumbers
plummeting from the skies
It only opens needful ointments
Indigo iodine blue denim breeches
of faith and fashion yourself
a gin tonic...
Saturday 20th November 2021 5:03 am
Scene II
Scene II
Has me frozen
Like a cat
On cold concrete.
It's so awkward
I wish . . .
I wish I could leave.
But no,
I must stay.
There, now I've
Done it --
All eyes are on
I'll ask so politely,
Don't listen
To a word I say.
It's so hard
To stand barefoot
In the rain
And try to light this
God-damned cigarette.
I must exit
But I'd really rather
Not go.
And would som...
Saturday 29th May 2021 12:31 am
Mole Hills
When you say I'm creating mountains
from mole hills I can not help
but to rethink the moles
bringing forth their labor's fruit
bountious coffee grounds from the underground.
Who is to say I'm not living my dream?
I never dreamed big.
Saturday 8th May 2021 1:34 am
Aquarium Hotel
Funny how I hear your drunken silken voice
echo in the ally, blue-black angles here
define the shadows of telephone wires
cut into a small-scale cubist canyon.
Purple razor beams resonate
across the memories of a
strange lad in a stranger land
digital recollections drowning
small fry in a tank of paranoia.
At least down here I avoid ya.
You shark. Me minnow.
I cross the thresh...
Saturday 10th April 2021 2:50 am
Information Society
Note all that that is his stranger tantrum
Leave that that black shirt not to fall
8 nothing, ain't nothing. That that.
X black sheeting verdict 12.
Rooting in hell's perfection
Doctor's light blinding Elizabeth Barret Browning
maybe down the rubber staircase fell.
Binding means each green strong pig rind
protect's a Saturn dog or semi-colon white 7.
Could terse roots of super-nova ...
Saturday 27th February 2021 10:17 pm
Today I saw Tomorrow
As I sat alone in a Wintergarden
sipping my Tall Boy and gin
a wondrous vision of tomorrow.
Mountains grafted to skyscrapers
and dragonfly drones.
I read from, "The Opening from The Knights of Surrogates."
CHAPTER EIGHT: Complacency is the best policy until it ain't
Cars were wastes of space unless they were houses on wheels
Bubble taxis floated from fare to fare
Thursday 28th January 2021 1:29 am
Aquarium Hotel
Funny how I hear your drunken silken voice
calling in the ally, blue-black angles here
define the shadows of telephone wires
cut into a small-scale cubist canyon.
And what if I let them resonate
like purple razor beams in haze
across the memories of a
strange person in a stranger town?
Trying to drown the recollection
of small fry in a tank of paranoia.
At least down here I avoid y...
Thursday 14th January 2021 4:43 am
Leaving Eden
Here's the thing about the Bible It says "In the beginning." But doesn't say of what. I guess we weren't full of ill-intention until we left the garden. This is why in the complex XX YX equation I have to own my original sin. It was curiosity. A human trait.
Wednesday 23rd December 2020 2:04 am
I was there
the moment sleet turned to snow.
The temperature dropped
and the breeze picked up
just enough to send white crystals
into a flurry like a globe
shaken in hope
it fell in the dark light
on slick sidewalks
it sliced this ice
that sleeted into snow.
Tuesday 22nd December 2020 2:16 am
There is nothing so modern
as ambition,
the stream-lined-ness of it,
its upward motion,
the way it plows under
all that lies behind its tracks.
I can not blame the 20th Century
for its relentless progress,
its awkward locomotive grace,
its sense of nostalgia
in the face of a force
that has become inevitable
for its incessant forward sweep.
A century whose ...
Friday 18th December 2020 9:23 pm
Holy Givenore
Her name was Holy Givemore
She lived by the seashore.
She had a way with words
that made us feel like turds.
She had a left eye
That stared off the right eye
Catching us all
Off guard.
She said "I promise you this
I'll be your nemesis."
And we found out
After that.
Why it's always best
to lay to rest
the thing you can't find.
No neve...
Tuesday 24th November 2020 4:30 am
Why not cry, Wolf?
When my tears come they will
be defrosted snowflakes from
a self-sequestered squad of four
deliberate deep-sea divers
hired to harvest each
grown from a kernel of salt
with care
from beneath an iceberg.
This map of Alaska is a scale model
highway of my heart.
These tears that would b...
Sunday 27th September 2020 1:38 am
Diary of the Forgotten Man
It's been one full week now
I've suffered amnesia.
Strangers step up to me on crowded corners
and call me by name.
"Can we talk?"
So much of what we call luck
is caught up in the periphery
more so than from Nosy Parkers
who are by-products of deception
in this unfortunate sunlight.
On clear bright afternoons
one can hear the hiss
of the sun's surface crackling
solar flares eru...
Sunday 20th September 2020 2:29 am
Sports on TV
The battle tonight will be in the cage
It's all the rage
To define the age
It will be Antifa Vs. Nazis tonight
Well alright
That's a fight
As spiked forearms careen
Smashing skulls to smithereens
it makes a scene
For your viewing pleasure
A gladiator's measure
Of pure sports treasure.
Only on Pay for View.
I thought you knew.
Thursday 3rd September 2020 4:17 am
A Wobbly Leg
of a lovers' triangle
three-legged stool
warbles like a nightingale,
"Why alone? Why?"
an emergency test broadcasting
to the tuned-in hood
that sets curious ears keening.
Is this war?
Is it surrender when Apollo says,
"I love you. Till next time?"
The wobbly little stool leg
waffles underfoot defying mechanics
A tenderfoot always triple-guessing its worth.
Insecure foot sold...
Tuesday 18th August 2020 1:03 am
He / I / We / She / It
Decided to tear it down today
Go to the deep root causing the pain
We tooled around with a needle
on a raw nerve
illustrating the malady
The Source of Our Discontent
For who am I? Who are We? Who are They?
To dare to ask
Permission to speak?
Go ask Wentworth.
He / I / We / She / It
want/s to tear it all down
cast a match on the du...
Friday 14th August 2020 1:53 am
Golden Boy
I hear your drunken silken voice
calling in the ally, blue black angles here define the shadows of telephone wires into a small cubist canyon.
The problem is we're trusting other people to know what they're talking about when they don't.
Burberry Blursday booms into funhouse mirrors and I refract into myself.
"I want you to never forget me."
"Where are you, Love?"
I do the tan...
Saturday 8th August 2020 5:56 am
Sometimes I dream
In aluminum
I dream in aluminum
Molten possibility digitally rendered
As the mercury lava is printed 3D
I dream in aluminum
The quicksilver's destiny
Fluid shiny until it stands
Self strengthened
I dream in aluminum
Multi mutated form stretched
Beyond lawn chairs or awnings
Candlesticks and chandeliers
A world where everything
Is made of aluminum
Entire hou...
Friday 7th August 2020 12:21 am
God's Eye
The old carpet with its Byzantine border
matted threads of burgundy and gold
ornate snowflake eye-of-God center
has a motif of predator and prey.
There are four ceremonial huntings
woven reflections in right-angled mirrors
a ring of Indian tigers mounted on deer’s backs
teeth sunk continuously in their necks.
The magi mediate on the rug’s middle
until the medallion draws them in
Sunday 2nd August 2020 11:44 pm
Different Colors of Cats
A green cat with a yellow tail
can disappear in a field of dandelions
swatting white moths in clover.
Pepto-Bismal pink cats hold séances
in their very own kitchens, resurrecting
spirits of mice they’ve eaten, clattering
cups of tea on scratched china saucers,
letting their kittens play street games.
Sitting and sipping in silken shadows
caused by lampshades wrapped in nylons.
Tuesday 21st July 2020 1:20 am
Wistful Creek
Low in this season
each terrace a saucer
trickling green tea
spilt by an unwieldy waiter.
treading over damp stones
balanced tray on upturned hand
skipping over black puddles
that breed mosquitoes.
Aspens --
peeling white bark
(peeling bleached wallpaper)
filter light
Monday 20th July 2020 12:44 am
The summer I stopped praying
I took brisk showers in porcelain basins
to become the boy Monkey Shoe
swimming stripped naked at winter solstice.
The Noxubee River runs laurel snake
X-rated through this cigar box town
able tomb robber against damnation
slowly slipping reflections
of black tree silhouettes in green Adam’s Ale
past peroxide blonde Hollywood sunbathers
Thursday 16th July 2020 11:02 pm
Hurricane Alicia
The hydrogen clouds advancing
are cattle collective
soot has forged.
“How are you?”
“How are you?”
they ask a man in yellow
row boat, a Watchmaker
who plows the fields Formica.
"As fine as a water beetle,"
he roars,
his forehead puckered fierce.
Ahead runs a warthog, sobbing,
“So much stress
a nervous break-
Wednesday 15th July 2020 11:01 pm
21 Column Colonnade
The awakening, nightly,
comes at 3 am
I search as insomnia,
through dim stacks blurred
atop my desk
A lesson in diligence
0-9, 0-9, Bovine
7 - 7, 7th Heaven, seven come eleven
A confederacy in Grey
yellow yellow / dandelion red
lessening Indulgence
for the scalloped edge postcard sent
from the Isle
of Crete.
Photo depicts
a luminous ...
Wednesday 15th July 2020 10:12 pm
Anton's Arrival
Anton arrives on a rickshaw
the cabbie’s clogs
clopping a clipped tattoo
in night traffic.
Disembarking, the regal boy knocks
while I'm within
fish-eyeing Anton as some
sumptuous spectacle
through the peephole pinned
on my front door.
Anton had arrived on a rickshaw,
the cool evening air
Wednesday 15th July 2020 6:53 pm
Today’s prize is a lava lamp
with two convulsing orbs of gelatinous mass
that never collide or absorb
but rather glide past one another.
One Red, one Blue as Dallas Montana sky
Blobs floating in the clear white corrector fluid
as net neutrality for one’s citizenry.
White that shines like a beacon from a UFO
on a tabloid stand we ride
within their bulbous spheres
Within this a...
Wednesday 15th July 2020 4:51 am
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