The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Shadow Blind

                                   Shadow Blind

Blindly I fumbled searching for you. Hoping to uncover a despicable ghoul. Confident my endeavor a profound spiritual journey.  

A fearless, deviant, defiant, authority usurper, a warrior in a distopian reality, selflessly fighting ageless expressions of duality for all humanity. An evolved, out of the box thinker, unwilling to participate in a...

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self awarenessshadow sidehumour


Dark Mysterious 

Who are you?

I know your body

But do I know you?

Passionate, Sexy, Sensually Slow

Sultry, Slippery - is all i know 

I know your skin, as if my own

Yet there is so much still unknown

Stolen moments, hundreds of hours alone 

Yet so few words are truly spoke

Your smell, your touch, your taste 

All stowed in memory for times alone 

Whispered words, ...

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sexsecretprivate livescheatingadulteryAdult content.....


And so it's done

That dream I saved 

I cherished and nurtured

Fed the best parts of me

Now dried up and decaying 

Crumbling like flaky pastries


The color all gone 

Now grey and dusty

Like cobwebs in corners

Of long forgotten rooms

Like dirt on windows

No one has looked through 


The feeling I had

All diminished and dead

No longer a heartbeat 


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ex boyfriendlonelymemoriesalonelovdunrequited loveemotional pain

Thoughts of the wife of a pedophile

Maybe not the healthiest thing 

But the healthiest I ever had


Such a prince charming you seemed, with

 your white van for a steed. Full of recovery 

stories and what seemed like integrity.  


Not perfect for sure, an anger problem and unnaturally, unwarranted high self esteem. Yet still better, more together and healthier 

than I had ever been.


So many nuggets of...

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wifepedophilesadpainfamilyBroken familieslost lovedeceptionlies

Lost Inside

True self malformed

Matured deformed


Broken, hidden

Never brought out to the light 


Scared and insecure

Not sure it will be heard 


Weakened, sickly

Has deviant thoughts.


Common inclinations 

No longer enough.  


Dark and secret

His taste no longer….










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North Rainforest Spring

Cherry blossom petals 

My favorite spring snow


Sweet smelling, fresh 


Floating on the breeze

Tiny ballerinas that chasse

Journeying to unite

With their kin


Cotton candy mounds 

On pavement 


Gentle breezes creating 

Terrifying pink tornados 

For micro hard workers

Intensely collecting


Tiny fragile petals piles

Calling kicking


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cherry blossomsspringrainforestseasons

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