The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Looking in the mirror,

I am starting to love you like never before, although the first wrinkles appear around your eyes.

I promise that your chatting eyes are going to bright more often

If they don’t have a reason to bright, I will find one for them.


I am going to treat your skin like the most expensive dress,

The kind of dress that only you could watch it, through the glass w...

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The Bus terminal is overcrowded,

but I feel alone

The noise coming from old buses

it is multiplied by people chatting,

And silenced by the crunch of my ruffles.


I am sitting on the cold bench,

Smelling the black smoke:

Intoxicating for ones

And sweet-smelling for me,

For me, it is the smell of freedom

Freedom along with elastic chains,

but freedom, after all.


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Ready-to-Eat (MRE)

You are looking for love,

But love is not a Meal that you can buy at the supermarket, Ready-to-Eat (MRE).

All those evenings in loneliness made you think more than you should it,

All that free time has been your worst enemy,

Movies, books, and songs are telling you,

What you have in the house: it is not love.

Love should be wrap in brilliant colors,

like that movie that made y...

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Venezuelan Diaspora

They have left behind their country,

Some of them by plane,

Some of them by boat,

Others less fortunate only have their legs

And do not hesitate to use them.


They have traveled with hope,

Hope to live a normal life,

Just they want to work,

Just they want to study,

Just they want to eat something

at the end of the day.


They have carried their diplomas ...

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Another day

Another day more,

Should be enough

But why it does not feel like that.

Express what do you feel,

the psychoanalyst told me

but why sound so frivolous if I say it loud.

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pyramids of salt

Mary was alone in the beach

staring at turquoise sea.

All in her was saying:

“I am not from here”

Her white skin,

The book in her hands

Her legs under the gold sand

like she wanted to vanish into it.

Her wish of being unnoticed

would have to wait for other day,

Teresa had put an eye in her.


Teresa came without invitation

Moving her body,

How she only k...

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The painting


I am here, alone

Sitting in the middle

Of a beautiful and peaceable painting,

nothing is moving.

I am looking at everything,

And looking at nothing,

An intruder breeze whispers at me,



I was in another painting,

A vivid painting,

Something in there,

it suggested movements,

Laughs and noises  

Who was capable to capture that moment?



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Passion has came back

I already had accepted my life,

My boring life,

My life without emotion,

My life without passion.

Passion had left behind,

in my younger days.

How long a person could live that way,

Looking the life pass through a window.

Like a person who cannot afford an expensive artwork

But looks it with absolute fascination,

while tells the insistent seller, “Just browsing".



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A love endless

Years ago, I heard about a love endless

Were the times,

When love was sprouting


Songs was inviting to fall in love

unbelievable love stories were written

The war had over

Giving passed to unexpected coming backs.


She was an adorable woman

Worthy daughter of his dedicated professor

He was a handsome man and brilliant student,

She was sweet, lovely, ...

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My loved Brother

Today, in the middle of my weekly shopping

Between bananas and tomatoes

I found red plums.


The noise around me

Made silence,

My mind traveled 24 years ago,

To our small city,

so distant that looks like another life.



Each month we used to buy

two plums and one sweetened milk,

our monthly rewards

nobody except you, can under...

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Once more time, the bar

Open its door to anyone

Discolored red walls

Announce, it had better times.

Opaque lights

Protect who wants to be unnoticed

The possibility to forget

Invite to drink a bitter beer.


Loud Music, symphony of voices

Chatting and laughing,

Numb the minds

Suddenly nothing matters

Just the song playing.


Another beer,

Another song...

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This winter afternoon

Everything is calm

Everything is silence around me

I only listen to my thoughts

And the inevitable noise

coming from the heater.


I am sitting, staring at nothing



Deep wounds bleed again

Hard times come to me

Long sleepless nights

Wild parties

Expensive trips

Sad and old songs

Therapies, books, movies and...

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There was a house on my memory

It was my grandmother’s house

Special and humble Refuge

Where siblings, cousins, neighbors and friends

found cold water, warm food and hot coffee.


The house was big and unfinished

Witness of a better and unknown past

Reminder of happy times

When we used to dream

in the same time zone.


I remember smells, sounds and flavors


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family poemnostalgic


Today is a day like any day

Just I feel more alone than any day

My family and old friends are far away

They built a world without me

A world with different rules

Rules and codes that I cannot understand anymore

My lover is here but his mind not

I suppose he feels the same loneliness than me

Just he is incapable to think about it

Instead, I am incapable to think in anothe...

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Our land is sad

Most People have run away

Only seniors have stayed

To die under the marvelous sun,

Loved things are sad

Loved things were too heavy

To bring with us 

Loved things have been forgotten

And Dust has covered them

Pets are sad

They were abandoned by their owners

In a hurry to escape

Owners are not hungry anymore

but pets have continued to be hungry...

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