The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Town

My town,

its a thick, insulated place,

Its got pastry on its borders,

dripping with pride


The heathered moors

and dark pits,

give it a gristly accent

It rolls round the palate,

like bloody chewing gum


Locals shake flakes and crumbs

When hardship bites

As they stumble out of last order doorways,

Perishing cold, corn beef legs

slurry home for love


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Its Jennifer's birthday,

Break out the champagne

Put up balloons and coloured paper chains

The child is on top of the world

so it seems

That was until Arthur,

Shattered her dreams

For those in the dark

At this moment in time

Let me introduce Arthur

On nasty feline

A moggy with menace

A cat with conviction

He'd scratch on the chairs

And leave hair...

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The 2nd Parakeet

The 2nd Parakeet


I had a beautiful parakeet

when I was a child

One day, its foolish feathers failed to shine

and was found in the sawdust at

the bottom of the cage

Wise Mother

Knowing the upset this would cause

rushed out to the store for a replacement

and picked the perfect imposter

coloured plumes in symmetry

copycat curve to the beak

and inquisitive shin...

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Dark humour

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