The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Reading to Literature students in Chile.

I have a two-week visit to Chile planned for mid-September. The main focus of my trip will be to spend four days in the Atacama desert (I love deserts). Almost on a whim, I emailed several seats of learning to ask whether they might be interested in a reading by a British poet. The University of Santiago replied. I am to deliver three 80-minute readings of my own work and that of other poets I adm...

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Launch of my fifth book, The Pleasure of Firing Back

My fifth book, dedicated to the memory of my father, will be launched on Weds 27th April, 7.30 pm at The Lamb, 94 Lamb's Conduit Street, WC1, and anyone reading this will be most welcome to attend. Wine.

The book, my third with Lapwing Publications, has poetry and prose over sixty pages. Here are two of the shorter poems it contains:


These histories, all these histories,

descend ...

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Video clips on You Tube

I have posted several video clips of my poems (mostly those already published) being read on You Tube. Feel free to comment, criticise, share, but please do not plagiarise.

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The Nationwide

I have to say that I am rather upset, well, deeply offended actually, that the Nationwide Building Society (with whom I used to have an account) has so far chosen not to approach me for my very affecting poem on the joys of home ownership.


Someone’s been in my house,
broke my china cat,
took a knife to the three piece suite,
shat on my Welcome mat.

Someone’s been in my house,

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Four London Poets on Saturday December 3rd

Why you should come to Four London Poets on Saturday Dec 3rd.

Number 1). Deryl Walsh. Deryl has long been one of my favourite poets. She makes the occasional excursion into surrealism, but most of her work is observational, succinct and often very witty. I would be well pleased if she were to include the poem about dining alone in a hotel, and the one concerning a visit to the Festival Hall. Sh...

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