The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

And you will never know

The uncertainty lingers

It ebbs and flows like a Cape Cod wave

Sometimes settling into the background

But never disappearing


"I understand," you say

"I get it"

The silhouette of reassurance

The shadow of support


These words, however pure,

are as false as the 1st January sun


To understand would be to feel

The daily funeral

Inside my body



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Feeling Place

An oasis of space

my place


Conquer the mountain,

rest on top, and,



I want to be alone

or alone is the last thing I want

regardless, here I feel


a safe space

a place to


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Crimson Anger

Butterflies in my stomach

Not first kiss, first love,

first dance butterflies


A stampede of furious butterflies

throughout my body


my body


my body that I've 

lost ownership of


woman is child

woman's job is to look pretty,

to smile, to hide imperfections,

to give her body


woman is vessel

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I've always been a dreamer

stuck in a worrier's body


A cup of decaf coffee


Seeking adventure,

trapped in quick sand


A hurricane

in my heart


The bottle of champagne

sitting in your fridge


"for a special occasion"

but nothing quite that special

ever appears

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Raindrops stampede

smack their concrete drums.


They stand there,

four feet in a line.


Hand grasps hand,

troubles evaporate.

"Dance," she says,



Feet join in just in time for the chorus,

of raindrop drums.


A vine of white

lights up 



A boom joins in for the grand finale.




Laughter breaks the s...

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Daffodil, daisy, color me crazy

with harmonious chaos


Deep breaths on mountain peaks

where curiosity creeps

and silence screams loud


Twinkle, twinkle serendipitous little star

how I wonder how far

you've come and how far you are going

up to mountain peaks, down to

melodious creeks and through whatever

exists between

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Sometimes I get sick to my stomach

When I think about potential

Potential I have to reach

Potential I could never even realize

Wasted potential


We could be heros

We could reach great heights

New heights, climb to a new apex

We could


An object at rest stays at rest

Where's my outside force?

To tell me how high I can climb


I'm an idealist but I'm al...

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