The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Write off day

Today a write off

not to be acknowledged or cataloged 

Disappeared before even given a chance

I like it to be left unknown,

a name or possibility only makes it harder

harder during the haunting hour, 

when I shall disembodie all potential 

but remain to my conviction anyhow 

murduring all the day has to offer,

in the name of brief but true figments

in my make belief m...

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A collage of a few poems

Collage of a few poems 

Poem 1#

Dazzling night, our eyes sprinkled with the glowing freckles of the sky, our eyes are simply recipients of the floating lamps in the sky, sole survivors of the nightly lamp genocide 


Poem 2#

Running rivers

Must Return to mother, the sun beats it’s back, forcing the river to run, haunted tales of brethren being abducted by the rays, to be cleansed...

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Anxiety. hopes, dreams

Everywhere else I'd rather be, because everywhere else only exist in my mind

my mind whispers and leads and tells me what to believe

for the better or worse, my mind deceives me

my mind lives in reality but takes and leaves whatever it wants from make belief and fantasy

nobody can tell my mind what to believe, not even me

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Rose queen’s orders

Running roses, free them all

duty, unity, unites us all

running roses

squeaky clean

beautifully tailored with thought and collection

holding you all to it's deception

something so small, tranquil, calls to all

unknown to you

free my roses 

or I'll turn blue

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Weary knees

Returning to land from bellowing seas 

upright they stand, trusted knees

off board the ship, knees stay cautious and weary

the horror x2

of the bellowing seas 

the sailers rub and thank their knees

for all the troubles of the bellowing seas

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Why the idea of god

Our desire to be held

desire that follows even in death, we would love it to be true

doing so would defy our laws and rules we organize 

but please on exception, hold me when I die


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Growing old

Growing old, once was, is no longer

seeing things that no longer exist in the place in front of your eyes

for they now prefer to only linger behind

in your place, behind your eyes

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