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Life (Remove filter)

Did we meet, now we have

Perhaps around my 10 I sensed your spark

With you toddling and sparking along your days

As I passed by, you learning to prance, pushing boundaries to play

Easing my mind as I drove on by 

Between mum and dad to my nearby dunes

No metal men then, to spoil its grace

Just a place of happiness, joy a perfect space

My 20 perhaps a glance as we charged around town

You with your s...

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The Race

So here we are, all done 

At the finish line of a race hard run 

A race that no one would ever choose

But once in, one that we just couldn’t lose

Never alone along the way

Always together, in step, come what may

A journey to discover what’s real in life

To realise what we’re truly all about 

What we’re made of as man and wife

What shapes our hearts, shapes our souls


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Have you been to Wales I say

Really been to Wales

That mystic land of tales and song

On my doorstep my younger days

No boundaries to get there but a different land

Verdant colours and sounds so still

Sparkling, shifting, summer greens 

Autumn hues to confound your eyes

Smells of earth so ancient it shifts your mind

Find your spot to drink it in

Sea, mountain, valley, ...

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