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mind (Remove filter)


Lightening burns and strains my mind

Freezes my thoughts like a photo

Open to think again

Alive again to life ever after 

For now at least

Lifting me from depressions hungry jaw

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At day my head motors, purrs, covers the ground, works

Come dusk my head flits, tilts, twitches, looks to fly and flee

The darkness, draws me, pulls me

More space, less noise, life brighter, sharper

Dusk, a mind switch, a chance

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The power of a place

Let the sound of the seas swell wash away the pain

Let the whoosh and crush of pebbles float away the strain

Morning light shimmering across flat sparkling sea

Morning swimmers lightly shivering as they rush to shore

Boys and girls peddle, skate and scoot by

Direction not known but heading for fun

Happy voices bouncing all around

Only early but excitement abounds

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