The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


You call me selfish for trying to take what is mine, and mine only, and do with it as I wish


Your claim and the belief behind it, is even more so


And, though you may not realize, all you are doing is prioritizing your pain over mine


You pacify your fear of heartache with my suffering


So tell me true, if you were in my shoes - if you overlooked your own feelings to e...

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selfishmankind's selfishnessselfishnessEmpathysympathymineIfIWishIt

Truthful Lie

You had asked me once if I believed you to be equal to me


I told you yes - It wasn’t a lie


I believed you equal in every way


But only now do I realize, both, lie and truth in my answer


In that time of my life we were equal


But, as of now, we are not

You are not equal to this new me - the true me

One that is not starved and decomposing


No longer...

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Sidelinedsufferingsorrowdepressionmental illnesssmental anguishex friendsliestruthtruthful lies

Garden Greed

The rose recognizes the beauty of the sunflower, all the while self-assured in her own. She does not envy the golden beauty for her appeal to you


She knows better - she has guarded her stem from the likes of your fingers and the fingers of those before you, and the ones that will come after


She knows that while you, selfishly and ignorantly, believe the garden to be created for you...

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gardengreedroserosessunflowerbeautyself esteemSelf-WorthPurposecreatecreationgrowthwomanwomenwomens rightswomans issuesfeministfeminism

What Sits Behind Blue Eyes

You think me blind

That I don’t see the devil in your smile,

And the demons in your head.

The scars on your body,

And the stains on your heart


So, when I remind you of the empathy in your eyes

And the gentleness of your strong hands,

You feign silent exasperation at my “lack of sight”,

And what you call “misguided hopeful belief”


As such you put it upon yoursel...

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blind eyesself-identitydarknesslightnaivety

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