The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

love (Remove filter)

Unhealed Heart

I saw people in love and I gagged

I congratulate myself for not throwing up

Though the realization saddened me

It signalled the beginning of an end

I was becoming tolerant to love again

What a tragedy for a heart not yet healed!



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When Somebody Loves You

When somebody loves you
They will find you
Alive or gasping for air 
They will find you
Under a pile of dirt when everyone has disposed you
They will find you
Bleeding and seeking a healing soul
They will find you
Dancing in jubilation for life has been kind
They will find you

But sometimes when you love someone
Be the one to find them
Maybe they're drowning needing saving
Find them

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A Glimpse of Love

Love visited me but I couldn't let him in
He walked in with a hypnotizing smile
His eyes so beautiful they lured your soul
But love was not picturesque
So I refused to grant him a permit to stay
For love was not tall, dark or handsome
Love was like an adaptation of a Danielle Steele novel with  poor casting 
So I gave love a 1 star rating
Unlike the princess in a Disney film
I couldn't ki...

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