The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


I've never seen this look in your eye,

It's over, finally, it's over

And we hold that truth deep inside

So tonight,

Hold me tighter than you ever have,

Kiss me sweeter and love me harder.

And we will cry,

But it's ok.

We're not broken,

And even if we are,

From tomorrow on, I'll carry every piece of us With me in my soul.

So give me one last memory,


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Please Don't Grow Up

We all couldn't wait

To grow up, to get out

To fully understand

What the world was about

Only to find

On the other side

The beauty we saw

As a child, had died

The day turned to night

The blue turned to gray

The innocence of life

Had faded away.

So many dreams

Now seem cast down

Remember when difficult

Meant choosing marker or crayon?

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growing olderpoetrylovepoemshort poemexperiencelife

Too busy to live

We're always looking,

Searching, reaching

For the next thing,

Person, place

That maybe,

We miss the things 

That really matter

Only to find

At the end 

Of our lives 

That we've never 

Really lived.



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How it ends

Staring blank-faced at each other 

From across the room

The space between us, a few feet,

Feels as a thousand miles now

Emotionally exasperated

The tears tore through the facade

That we wore for so long

Telling ourselves "we're ok"

We were dead long ago

We were only being buried now.

How did we get here?

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My Misses has a Mistress

My Misses has a mistress

She comes here then and now

She always sneaks in quietly

And when she leaves she's loud

She lives here some nights

On the other side of the bed

She stays here with my misses

She lives inside her head

I watch her leech away her life

She slyly steals her smile

And when she wants to make love

She takes my misses for a while

She didn't come ...

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Far Away

Is the high worth the pain?

Or for the sunshine is the rain?

Stuck between this world and yours,

Both of my feet in different doors.

Quiet and desolate desert night,

My soul thirsts for your love's light

Restless and weary as I lay, Far away, Far away.

The whistling wind and blowing breeze,

The moon, it sets my mind at ease

The sun radiates through my soul,

Warming wh...

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