The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Recent Comments

Stephen Gospage on Grave Matters
2 minutes ago

Stephen Gospage on Lost Future
18 minutes ago

Stephen Gospage on Favorite Poet
27 minutes ago

Stephen Gospage on Upside Down
37 minutes ago

TOM MERTON on Aisha Suleman
1 hour ago

John Coopey on Favorite Poet
2 hours ago

Mike McPeek on Headed Nowhere
3 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Favorite Poet
4 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on The Light Shines On
4 hours ago

Hélène on Favorite Poet
4 hours ago


As they march across the land

To face their enemy

On their journey, all alone

To meet their destiny


As they look towards the sun

And hear the battle cry

Souls scream out in deadly pain

As they fall and drop and die


Bullets fly all through the air

Just landing feet away

Bodies lie all around

As the rest begin to pray


As they fight on through the ni...

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False imitations

What's your limitation

Talks in litigations

Where do we start


False smiling faces

People winning races

Don't talk to me about graces

Where do we start


False eyelash glancing

Everybody's dancing

Showing all there prancing

Where do we start


False world keeps on turning

As we keep on churning

But are we all just learning


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Mother, mother earth, please

Spread your, spread your charm with ease

I know you, i know you can release

Your love.


Farther, farther farther, please

Spread your, spread your wisdom here

I know you, i know you can release

Your love.


Angel, angel of the light

Spread your, spread your wings tonight

I know you, i know you can release

Your love.



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I saw her face, it was amazing

Crazy streaming from her smile

I was in awe, captivated

The essence of her soul, it was on fire


She took us in, she kept us warm

Like honey of the bee, she tastes so sweet

Her darkened curves, her hidden flaws

Showed no face, as we walked around her streets


Her velvet voice, her silent whispers

Echo off the walls to melodic tunes


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Shout your words as fast as you can spit them from your lips

Casting out your poisoned words to try and sink all ships

Not giving any thought, or care, to whom or what you burn

How have you lived so long and still you never learn.


Now it's time for you to taste the cracking of this whip

To stop you from destroying people, and to make you slip

You'd better run and hide tonigh...

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Miles and miles of desert sands

slip away right through my hands

Dunes of golden crystal lay

Blowing in the wind they sway


Miles and miles the fields of green

In memories of which i've seen

Blades of sharpened green they lay

Blowing in the wind they sway


Miles and miles of ocean blue

The ship sails on and cuts right through

The ever changing land they say


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As my eyes fall upon his face

I know the time as come

To walk the last path of life


As my head bows upon his presence

He knows the time as come

To walk the last path of life


As my body crumbles upon his ground

We know the time as come 

To walk the last path of life


As my breath stops upon his terms

I know the time as come

To walk the last path of lif...

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Mother rages war again

Upon her jagged skin

Pushing plates together now

She knows that she will win


Spitting out her flaming soul

From inside her belly

Not even giving any thoughts

Or care, if she has any


Her tears will flood many parts

And crush with such an ease

They travel upon the mighty clouds

Which ride upon the breeze


The mighty roar of the...

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Mumbo jumbo

Summer sounds are echoing now

As the moo comes from the cow

The bark that came out from the dog

Is wrapped around a burning log


Flying birds go shooting by

One by one towards the sky

Buzzing bees go humming past

Followed by the wasp thats last


Rabbits hop and jump around

The worms that live upon the ground

The ants are working all day long

As mary jane br...

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This one just came to me one day and it just flowed, hope you enjoy.


Now here's a tale about a boy

Who's name was Johny clegg

And here am i, the one who writes

To tell you what he did


It only happened weeks ago

To eveyone's supprise

Why that little Johny clegg

Had to tell that lie


Now everyone knew who he was

And where he did live

So why he had to ki...

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Little people ( in my head )

I have got some little people living in my head.

Can't you hear the noise they make and all the words they said?

All the things they say to me, and things they make me do-

Even when they tell me lies, they make me think it's true.


All the scary games they play, and make me tag along,

Even when i tell myself thats somethings really wrong.

Even last night when i pulled the tri...

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King of the dead

Hope you enjoy this one. King of the dead.


The thorn of the rose is sharp.

Your fingers will bleed in red.

His eyes will follow you closely.

From his immortal bed.


His body is so unrestful.

His spirit is deep within.

He will try to possess you.

Into his immortal ring.


Guard your soul of precious life,

Don't take your eyes off the game,

Don't even try...

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