Belly Dancer
The desert is living in May,
Sipping joyously priceless water.
You are modest and shy in the day,
But at night you're Cairo's daughter.
Thread of camels against the sun -
Their saffron shadows melt...
You ask the same question, to stay or to run,
Every night as you put on your belt.
Your cymbals are black from the sweat,
The veil doesn't cover your face.
You're worshiping every sunset
Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:24 am
Alien Love
I know, somewhere, on the other side of the Universe,
An alien man and an alien woman seek
Love. Light could not guide their course –
They did not have eyes; they could not see.
They had genuine intentions, they always did,
A family or whatever it is called there.
They would count every single beat
Of their hearts if they could only hear.
They were married. They would nev...
Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:13 am
To a Late Friend
No more asking of “what” and “why”;
As always, silence replaces the weeping.
I keep repeating that you are not alive,
But you are not dead either, you are just sleeping.
I hear your steps on the staircase,
Your voice rushes in, then, the smell of your hair.
You smile at me, and I look through your face
As the cold of eternity fills up the air
And rests on the lifeless face ...
Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:11 am
Tango of Snowflakes
Our first snow in so many years…
Can you believe it?
See the white coat that our life wears?
Let’s just go out and live it.
I will not watch life through the keyhole
Hypnotized by the view,
When I can finally touch your soul
And tango with you.
I’ve grown deaf in the spring rain,
In the summer heat,
But now when it snows again,
I hear your heartbeat.
The snowfla...
Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:07 am
They Did Not Ask
At first, they did not ask,
Because they thought
I could not speak.
I had birthday parties
Just like you, but
Something was missing.
I continued to chant
That I was not an orphan,
But it was no use.
Again, they did not ask,
Because they felt guilty
And it was too late.
I kept switching trains.
I felt half-blind,
Sometimes half-deaf.
I learned to smile
...Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:04 am
When your soul returns to Ras Dashen
When your soul returns to Ras Dashen many years from now,
Time will stop to acknowledge your final descent.
Time will give no pardon. Time will take no vow.
As a child again, you will walk through the land.
At the mountain foot olive trees are the same;
They were guarding your peace from below and above.
When the world seemed unfair – this is where you came,
This is where you...
Tuesday 16th February 2021 11:59 pm
I wondered into the British Museum
I wondered into the British Museum
I had no business being there.
“It is free admission,”
You reminded me.
“Free? There cannot be such thing.
When visitors enter artifacts
With their minds,
They carry pieces away
Like a colony of ants.
It is destruction
Invisible to the naked eye.
Envious, greedy visitors
Stealing a precious collection
With ...
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:21 pm
Half-life half-lived
I cut an apple
In two halves precisely.
Now how do I choose
The finer half?
Life is made up of
Half-truths and half-lies
And then of the almosts.
My half-live half-lived…
The other half is still
Inside the magician’s hat.
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:18 pm
The time is crawling
The time is crawling
On this slippery Friday afternoon.
My body is trapped
In an hourglass room.
My poor empty body
Can no longer feel the pain.
There is a dry flower
In the corner.
I have been staring at it
For the past hour.
Does it crave love
That I can no longer give?
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:16 pm
I'd always been part of you
It was me whose glimpse you caught
Turning around the corner,
Wishing to go unnoticed.
It was me you felt
Sifting through your fingers
Like sand at dusk,
Sitting alone on the shore...
It was me you smelled
Walking through the autumn orchards,
Through the sunlit prairies,
Through the second-hand bookstores.
It was me you tasted,
When you bit an unexp...
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:15 pm
Cradle yourself
Cradle yourself,
Weep like a child
In the face of eternity.
What sins are you carrying
In your cow bag?
Take them out
One by one.
Place them on this stone
In the bright sun
So I can examine them closer.
“They will dry out,” I protest.
I laugh, “What’s the worry?
Are you trying to keep them forever?”
I pull back and hide
The bag behind my back.
“I am not...
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:13 pm
At the time of no poetry
At the time of no poetry,
The silence weighs heavily
And sinks to the bottom
Of the spring like a stone.
At the time of no poetry,
The wind has stopped blowing,
And the landscape looks lifeless,
Draped in darkness.
At the time of no poetry,
My steps leave no footprint,
My silhouette is a shadow
Shivering from the cold.
At the time of no poetry,
I am alone and...
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:10 pm
Noise. White noise. Wallflower.
Whispers across the aisle.
Rising from the fog
Voice. “A million dollars.”
Are they talking to me?
Unexpectedly and not likely.
Who am I in this noise?
Is my voice recognizable?
Buy some time sometime
And use it in a better world.
How much? Charge it to my room.
When is it expected to arrive?
You do not know? What about expre...
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:08 pm
What I Left Behind
My dreams locked behind
A thousand doors,
My genuine voice,
Life without remorse.
Self-portrait that’s free
Of the wrinkled despair,
Rhetorical questions
Of how and where.
Whimsical, drunken
Scent of the hope,
A love letter
Burnt in the last envelope.
I stepped on this land
And time ceased to exist.
Since then I had wondered
Whose image it is.
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:06 pm
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