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Strange Friends

I was a stranger, you took me in

but I found you were stranger still.

I guess we’re two peas in a pod

cuz neither of us fits the bill

of all the many ways the world expects

two blokes like us to be.

You took me in, now we’ve become...

the strangest friends you’ll ever see.

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A Bird Now Gone

No bird remains to sing his song.

so silence pounds the whole day long.


In beat with memory of the day

I clapped to make him go away.


The fault, it clearly lies with me

the bird was what the bird should be.


Now I live knowing I was wrong…

to want to silence any song.

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Time Wanes Thin

I never felt to push or shove

people toward the God of love.

It seemed that it was not my place,

“Just give them time and give them space”.


But then I came to understand,

when vision of a failing dam

appeared in revelation’s dream,

and as I dreamt I looked to see

a town that lay downstream below.


In dead of night, they did not know

that little time rema...

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Jesusgodgospelpreachingteaching the gospelspreading the gospel

Labor In The Field

Some were hired at the break of day, a price to work the field.

Then others hired each passing hour and given the same deal.


And when the eve was drawing nigh the Master with good will

looked out and saw some in the streets who yet were waiting still.


So, then he went to them and asked, "Why have ye labored not?"

They answered, "We have not been hired though labour we have...

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Jesusparablesparablegospelgospel truth

These Things That I Prize

Most people have a lot,

most have a list

of gidgets and gadgets

and trinkets to buy.


It’s just human nature

there’s no harm in this,

but lately

I’m wondering why.


For as I’ve grown older

I have realized

(I’ve had to,

for it is a matter of fact).


While caring for all of

these things that I prize,

everything I own…

owns me right back.

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materialismsimple lifefreedom

Lies Within


I’d take a knife and cut it out

like some deep-down infected gout

if only it were there under my skin.


I’d prick a vein and let it bleed,

free flowing, nothing to impede

if I thought it were streaming deep within.


I’d amputate it bit by bit

til there was nothing left of it,

then throw it piece by piece into the grind.


I’d heat a rod to glowing red,


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inner paininner struggleinner turmoil


Sat through another non-eventful free fall through the ceiling

while trying hard to feel something despite the way I'm feeling.


Trying hard to find my way back to the time of when

I didn't have to sit in this damn chair time and again.


For every day now seems a bit more like the day before.

Just like a cross between a treadmill and revolving door,


where weeks and m...

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struggledepressionmental illness

Love Enough

Love has so many forms by which it shows itself each day,

in simple acts of kindness made in quite heartfelt ways.


Sometimes it takes a hand and spends the time to show it cares.

Sometimes it takes a few steps back while broken hearts repair.


And every time two lovers finally cross each other's path,

it jumps with joy to have the chance to work its favorite task.



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loveletting goloving enough to let go


Sometimes love is easy, so natural and pure,

but often it isn’t that clear.

Like fog in the morning makes traveling unsure,

not knowing which way you should steer.


For what comes the day you must make the hard choice,

between two you desperately you need?

It’s like choosing whether to hear or have voice,

no matter the answer you bleed.


Then how do you make a deci...

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lovetornchoosing between two loves

The Reason

This is the reason I do what I do.

A rhyme, a song in shades of blue.

Connections made to a million ties.

The longing stare of a million eyes.


Peering out from the darkness, soul by soul.

Bound by the sound of every note.

Bound by the beat of the rhythmic drum.

Bound by the voice of the chosen one.


Chosen to carry the weight of them all.

Chosen to suffer, chos...

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inspirationmaking a differencepassion

Falling Apart

Sometimes it doesn’t go the way

you thought it would at all.


Sometimes the pieces all line up

though randomly they fall.


Sometimes I guess you’re better off

just following your heart.


Cuz sometimes it can still work out…

though you’re falling apart.

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destinydivine interventiongod's hand

That Day In June

I sat today midst the happy smiles

of a children’s song, and for just a while

I was happy too, for what else should come

from a happy day and a happy song.


But, it came again just like every June,

when I feel the pain of an open wound

that on every other day I keep

hidden far from view, buried oh so deep.


But I guess that’s why they made the day,

so that folks ...

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Come Winter

When will it be that it’s my time to go?

I see all the signs in the air.

Must I wait through storms til there’s nothing but snow,

or is there a milder path there?


When I was young, I never spent time

nor took any thought just to sit by and think.

I guess there was no need when weather was fine,

but seasons have passed in a blink.


But somehow there’s comfort her...

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end of lifegrowing oldmy time to go

In The Middle

In the middle of life there’s a moment of still.

Reminiscing, regretting, “Is there point in it all?”

Looking out in both ways from the top of the hill

as I tumble and shrink to an infinite small.


For I know forever has no end of days,

it leaves me to contemplate just who I am?

And I know that size never ends in both ways,

when you sit in infinity, is there a plan



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lifemid lifemiddle of lifereflectionreflecting

Timeless Chill

Granite grandeur draped in snow,

soft whisper falls, clear water flows.


No hand extends to measure time,

no cares ascend, no worries find.


For purpose fades into the still,

a tranquil peace here in the chill


What part of time and space am I?

So small beneath the endless sky,


a spec of dust, a grain of sand…

yet cradled in the Master’s hand.

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Things to adorn yourself.

Things for your home.

Things of a thousand kind, 

what do you own?


Gather it all til you have everything,

but know this that when the day’s done –


despite all your things

you don’t have a damn thing

if the sun sets…

and you’ve got no one. 

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valuesprioritiesbest thingsrelationships

No Regret

You can buy land and home

across this world made of stone,

gathering more into barns than the rest.


You can travel and see

every sight there may be

under Heaven from East to the West.


You can spend every day

finding more ways to pay,

grabbing all you can possibly get.


But remember there’s something

worth far more than these…

to die without any...

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valuesprioritiesbest thingslifefullness


It’s finally the day to come,

blood mixing in.

Flows like a river

through oceans of sin.


Long past the point

where the numbness was new.

Long past believing

that anything’s true.


Steel against flint,

only flash in this night.

Desperate to see

but it only ignites,


the gasoline soaked

twisted rags in my soul.

No way to stop it

and nowhere t...

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brokendownbeatengiving updepressionheartache

Days End

The days don’t seem to give a damn,

they march in step of time.

They stare ahead with eyes of steel

while never breaking line.


They torture me with disregard,

they tread upon my soul.

They seem so unaware I’m here,

they simply come and go.


I once believed the day would come,

I hoped that it would give

the thing that I was searching for -

a reason I should...

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Til Time Stands Still

It was a beautiful story,

I wish it was my own. 

It makes me think of you,

so every now and then

I turn it on. 


Was the first song we danced to,

it made us fall in love. 

Now every time it plays

I see your face, 

you’re all I think of. 


Why does it seem true loves

are always kept apart?

Is it cruel fate,

a form of bait

that’s used to crush the he...

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I tried today and failed again.

I’ve tried so long I don’t know when

it ever went the way of which I planned.


I’ve given up on wondering why.

I’ve learned it doesn’t help to cry,

nor does it pay to try and understand.


But each time that I stumbling fall,

I rise with my back ‘gainst the wall

resolved to bury disappointment’s ire.


“Get up, keep going everyda...

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Seasons change as years go by,

winter’s cold and summer dry.


Life is hard in many ways,

yet rings are formed as seasons change.


So, although not but bark we see,

inside there is a true beauty.

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inner beautytrue beauty

Strangers Unaware

How odd this ragged stranger seems

who jarred me from my frozen stare,

at dust and dreams and other things

for which I spend my time and care.


No other man hath paid him mind,

no nod, nor smile, nor kindness shown.

No, none at all hath lent him time.

No good man opened up his home.


So what is lost if I like they

wave off a hand and turn back in,

and quickly ...

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Catch 22

When forever finally comes to town, not sure I want to be around

when it stands outside to knock upon my door.

I’ll hide inside, not make a sound, turn out the lights,

get on the ground, lay in the darkest shadow of the floor.


And if forever’s not deterred, no worry I’ll plan for the worst.

I’ll wait it out, I’ll stock up every shelf.

I’ll let forever knock all day and hope ...

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The Question

Depression and heartache and yearning -

common throughout all the years,

general amongst all the masses,

driven by so many fears.


It’s truly the struggle of ages,

despite born of mansion or cave.

Is life the thing that you’re living,

or is it life that you crave?


It's tied to a question so simple -

just what do you live your life for?

Do you live to live in ...

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Jot And Tittle

I had to trade another jot,

I had to sell a tittle.

I had to cuz they told me that

I had to give a little.


I had to sit and wonder at

the setting of the sun,

what giving just a little costs

when all is said and done.

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valuestraditionsmoralsstandardserosion of society

At The Ledge

Each time before when I had fallen, landing in the pit below,

I found upon the ground were words that I could gather up to build

a latticework of scaffolding to climb upon so I could go

back to the surface with the crowd, but every time I found that still


I’d stay close to the ledge not knowing why I didn’t walk away.

I told myself it wasn’t wise. I asked, “why don’t you ever l...

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addictionrelapserecoverymoving onovercoming

Broken Halos

Heard a song of broken halos,
folded wings that used to fly.
Wondered why I go where I go.
Yeah, broken halos as miles went by.


 Angels used to come and teach me,

 now they’ve gone another way.

 Don’t blame them, I told them they should

 find another soul to save.


 Stared at the darkness and let my mind go,

 it took me places I used to shine.

 The song kept playin...

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fallendownbrokenfallen angel


Pretend not to notice.

Pretend you don’t see.

Protect at all cost

your illusions of me.


Don’t read what I write

on the lines of my page,

you’ll only find flaws

that you’ve long wished away.


Just keep smiling at me,

I’ll keep smiling at you.

You be who you are

and I’ll do what I do.


I’ll try not to let

all the things in my mind

stray far fro...

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What happens when you finally decide

to change what you’re doing and swallow your pride?

Is it like when the fog clears away

and you find where you stand?


Or is it more like the unveiling of art,

struck by what you see yet unsure in your heart,

because it is nothing at all

like what you had planned?


For with resolution comes new eyes to see,

and new understan...

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pridehumilityhumbleletting go of pride

New Day

Have you ever come to the end of the day,

and can run the clock back play by play,

and can add it up that supposedly

it was the day it was suppose to be,

but somehow it seems that no time has gone

like a broken record playing on and on,

and you think back through all the things you’ve done -

every day every deed bleeding into one,

and you can’t help but feel just a little ...

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lifebusy lifeexhaustion


If I woke up and worked every day

with a calm resolute execution of plans,

or perhaps at least stayed on approximate track

with the basic things for which I stand.


If with a small grain of faith I’d hold the course

knowing that by small things come the grand.

Then I think I’d be dangerous, I’d finally be...

an instrument in the Lord’s hands.

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faithgodgod's will


The stars that fill the midnight sky,

or single grains of sand

cannot compare to all his works

too vast to understand.


What number counts the drops of rain

that make the oceans wide?

How many hours and days and years

fill up eternal life?


How far the furthest star lies from

the meager grasp of man?

How far across this universe

hath he stretched fo...

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mercygracelovegod's lovegod's mercy


I see it time and time again

that beauty’s made by what is spent.


A beauty that demands a price

with outer glow and inner ice.


And observation seems to tell

it’s only as deep as the well,


for come the day the well runs dry…

such beauty simply waves goodbye.

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beautyfake beautyouter beautyvanity


They say that the truth is a hard thing to take,

but maybe it’s time that we see

that we as a people are nothing but fake,

ensuring that’s how it will be.


We stand up demanding there’s tolerance,

doing so with our fists in the air.

It’s truly the oddest dance ever been danced,

hypocrisy beyond compare.


We claim we want peace but we seek the next fight

as we...

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Into Piles

What in the world are we doing?

Who are we trying to beat?

It seems like we live our lives running,

as if we are losing our seats.


We never stop building up towers.

We never stop spinning around.

We never stop piling up into piles

everything that we’ve torn down.


Is it that we are pursuing

happiness, like the old phrase?

Or are we chasing the concept of such


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wastevanityenvironmentharming the environment

Late Autumn

It’s a feeling that has no words to describe,

when the late autumn leaves fade color.

Quietly waving a final goodbye

in the chill as morning mist hovers.


It’s something between a pure feeling of peace

and a loneliness down to the bone.

Perfect tranquility rests on the air,

but the sadness won’t leave you alone.


Life has a way of drifting in waves,

up and dow...

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forgivenessforgiving lovestarting overletting go

Purpose & Desire

Nothing can stop the unquenchable fire,

fed by the flame of the deepest desire.


Born of a purpose, intent that is true

in the one who's determined to do what they do.


One who believes it can always be done.

One who won't quit till the battle is won.


One who gets up every time that they fall.

One who dreams big, regardless how small


they may seem in this ...

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determinationresolveno quitwon't quit

For The One

Love is a game, a journey of sorts,

a search for the one who is right.


And of all the seekers, just what do they know,

are not all just travelers at night?


For it seems in darkness they search hill and dale,

hoping to find their true love.


Awash in the masses, a literal throng,

mixed in amongst push and shove.


And so, as you seek for to find it y...

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lovetrue lovepure lovesoul mates

At The Door

Curled up in the corner

in dead of the night.

Afraid of darkness

and praying for light.


Eyes peer from the ceiling.

Hands reach from the floor.

Hearts beat from the walls

and he stands at the door.


No chemical shields me.

No masquerade hides.

The sweat of my body,

the fear in my eyes.


He’s pounding and pounding

and growing in strength.

He’s ...

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addictionrelapseInner Struggleinner demons

Yet Again

The feeling

haunts me

time and time again.

I feel it as it’s coming

like a scent upon the wind.


Like wind across the predator

wafts out to warn the prey.

So likewise all I know and feel

screams, “turn and run away!”


But something deep inside me

in a way I can’t explain,

finds pleasure in the desecration,

need inside the pain.


So, mind and heart...

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addictionrelapseaddict fallinginternal struggle

One Hair

I thought to change one hair tonight

from white to black, atop my head.

It seemed a try would be alright

while lying here upon my bed.


I called out to the powers that be

in all their forms amidst the sky,

but nothing changed at all for me

though I had given my best try.


I guess it’s human nature

to control the things at hand.

To try and make sure ever...

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Between Mind And Eyes

How vast is the reach of the universe wide?

How great be the distance between mind and eyes?

How far in both ways does the length of time go?

What distance exists between God and each soul?


Illusive the answer to each of these be.

Perspective controls how we think, what we see,

how we judge and interpret the concepts at hand,

the things we consider and just where we stand...

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truthexistencegodcreationthe universe


Dim lit, damp and distant corner

torn from dream of vapor’s fold.

Slow descent to worlds divided,

nothing hot and nothing cold.


Long ago this soul forgotten,

cast off in the ides of youth.

Un-forgiven deeds left hiding

beneath the stone of burden’s proof


Wait to see if fate redeems her.

Wait to hear if time repeals.

Sentence passed down just to mar her.


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historyreligionoppressionfalse religion

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