The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Tom Doolan on Heart On My Sleeve ❤️
4 minutes ago

Yasoda on Shadow & Sun
33 minutes ago

TOM MERTON on Nigel Astell
1 hour ago

TOM MERTON on Manish
1 hour ago

TOM MERTON on hugh
1 hour ago

TOM MERTON on Tom Doolan
1 hour ago

David RL Moore on telos mundi
1 hour ago

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on Shadow & Sun
1 hour ago

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on Special relations
1 hour ago

David RL Moore on Pulborough Brooks
2 hours ago


I'm my mind I go back to the rim of the big canyon that I spent so much time at as a child. 
I can vividly see how it looked back then, the sage brush and cedars blowing gently in the wind. 
I can smell the dust and the vegetation that surrounds you always in this place. 
I can remember the deer running in the bottom of the canyon. 
I can hear my grandpa as we sit there telling me stories and ...

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Self Perception

The Man walks through his life terrified that his scars may show. 
The battles that he's fought are all in his mind but the scars are there just the same. 
Constant thoughts of his mistakes and demons he's not able to put down. 
Constant fear that he's the only one left to battle what is beneath his own surface. 
Shame from the struggle that is before and behind him. 
Shame from the tears tha...

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The Morning

The morning comes and shrouds all with a new day. 
The silence helps to hold onto the dreams that once were in the night. 
As the sun peaks into the windows the soul gently warms to face another day. 
The singing birds help to strengthen the body, if they can sing in the new day so can I you say. 
Down the road you hear signs that others have emerged from the darkness to welcome the light. 

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Brilliance of the sun

As a boy he would go outside and stare with wonder of the brilliance of the sun and wonder what may lay in the days adventures. 
As a teen the boy still noticed the brilliance of the sun but knew somewhat of the adventures ahead. 
As a man the brilliance of the sun went unnoticed because his eye was on the storms that may be soon to come. 
As an old man he longed to feel once again that brillia...

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