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Northern Beat Poetry?

Northern Beat poetry Press Release


Northern Beat Poetry?  Is that, like, a THING?  You better believe it, Post-Truthers.  The cultural descendants of Ginsberg, Kerouac and Herman’s Hermits emerge from the cultural swamp that Mr Trump’s busy draining to bring the ripening fruit of invention to the vitamin-deficient streets of the North.


Who cares about courgette shortages?  It’s not...

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poetry performance poets

Andrex comes out....of the attic

It dawned on me when the downloads of my last music-poem EP ‘Get’ went past 100 downloads, that if that many people were in the same room it would be, for most poets, a huge audience, and if it’s worth doing, it’s worth sharing.  I do most of my work in an attic, so it’s probably a good idea that I come down and start doing some gigs, as it’s getting cold up there.


To this end, in a move w...

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Jimmy Andrex breaks cover

The loudmouth recluse has finally decided to do a blog to coincide with the release of his new EP 'Get' available free to download at

There is little else of interest about him, hipsters, so why not download it and see for yourself.  

"The best lack all conviction while the worst have a passionate intensity."

You decide.

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