The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

'One Lung Dave'

‘One Lung Dave’ is what they call him,

The man whose fighting cancer.

Breathing is a challenge everyday-

We all wish there was an answer!


‘One Lung Dave’ is what he calls him,

We laugh and all poke fun

His humour is his armour…

when he can only walk but wants to run.


‘One Lung Dave’ is what the doctors call him,

He struggles to breathe everyday-

Waiting for ...

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Her long dark hair lay lank down her back

unkempt, umcombed- an untidy disaster of loveliness,

Its liberated and unruly state

mirrored her child-like ways,

Free and unbounding, lacking routine, a day of possibilities lay ahead...

She would take it, unconsciously throw herself head first into whatever lay before her

and with unrehearsed steps, run joyfully into the day.

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