The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

new (1) life (1) no face (1) claustrophobia (1)


Faces changing


An attack on my senses

Gone are my defenses.


People moving


An attack on my space

Leaving me in disgrace.


Bodies giving


An attack on my whole

Take its spiritual toll.

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No Face Detected

An alarming lack of form

Distinction has faded

No room for shadows

Nothing is shaded


A barren amorphous shape

Indefinite defined

No room for features

Nothing is refined


Staring at the monitor

Seeing me reflected

Nothing opens up

No face detected.

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no face

New Life

Seemingly worn out

Arborially toiling

Await season's turn

Breath uncoiling.


Gracious in patience

Strength is growing

Earthly worthiness

Soon to be sowing.


Creating  new life

Healing with feeling

Gradually building

Everywhere healing.


Spreading branches

Sprouting leaves


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Nobody's bleeding

Nobody's bleeding,

But everybody's hurting,

It's a hidden sickness

That we refuse to accept,

An actor’s part,

Theatrical gestures

Our initial response.

We refuse to believe.

They must be faking,

Raking in the sympathy.

A perfectly played role,

A smile betrays them

As the blind decry them,

It's no broken bone...

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My self

The masses are out,

Me, standing still,

Watching them

Running rings round me.

A dizzy feeling overcomes,

I stumble,


Overwhelmed by the crowd,

Struggling to find a hole

In which to climb,

Too many voices

Curtailing thought,

Stamping with their feet,

Stamping with their minds,

Trying to r...

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The dirty waters of nationalism

Are flowing freely nowadays

A narrow-minded bigotry

Pervades the racist's ways.


The filthy pools of fascism

Rippling steadily outward

Craving invented purity

The racist feels empowered.

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Tears On The Rails

There's blood on the rails

And the train stands still

But the body's nowhere

And the crowd's had its fill


Nothing can be found at all

Seems like a puff of smoke

Disappeared without a trace

The crowd thinks it's a joke.


Who was it that laid there?

Waited for the train to come?

Noone knows the actual truth


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The Moon

The mild mannered moon

Only showing its

fully illuminated face

But once a synodic month.


The manipulating moon

Born of the earth mother

And driving its tides

To ebb and to flood.


The manic mad moon

Causing havoc with emotions

Wild and dangerous

A lunatic nightmare.


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Sitting on a bench,

In a muddle,

My feet in a puddle,

Not noticing

The mud on my shoes,

Just the mud in my mind.

The plaque on the seat,

Reminder of someone passed,

Loved long after their departure,

A life lived and lost,

But remembered forever,

On the bench where I sit

With my muddy shoes,

And muddy min...

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Are we but ephemera,

Or timeless?

A work of art

That disappears


In the mists of time?

This material form

That endures so short a time.

Then, reappearing

In the dewdrops

Of a frosty Autumn morn,

And in the sunlight

Of a bright Spring dawn.

The comforting songs

Of a dawn bird singing.


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Flight fearlessly taken,

An escape from this reality.

Too scarred to face

The heights of idiocy,

The lows of idiocracy.

Facing up to a void.

Nothing to fear

Except fear itself.

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A Cloud is Born?

There seems to be a new cloud on the horizon.

Has it always been there?

Or has it recently appeared

as a reflection of the times?

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It dawned on me

as the sun rose

and the blood red flowers

reflected my life and my dread

a hemorrhaging of vivacity

animated in the comic book

that is life and death

A seriously humourous tome

in which I am bound

until the conclusion

of the final chapter

when all has been fulfilled.

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A Dreamy Wave

I want to see you move

Like a tree swaying in the breeze,

A unified grounded force,

Dancing as smooth as skin

on a newly born child,

Rhythmic as the universe,

One single movement,

Lasting an age,

A dreamy wave.

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