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covid19 (Remove filter)

Shopping At A Safe Distance

Standing in line, besides my disinfected trolley

In the supermarket car park, under my brolly

Distance shopping, it is the new normal

Two meters apart, so serious and formal

I quickly pick groceries, for others and mine

I queue down the aisle, it's a very long line

The assistant sits safe, behind a plastic screen

Sprays and hand gel, making everything clean

I miss the old d...

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Heroes In Blue

Heroes In Blue


Unprecedented times, the like never seen before

This pandemic has shaken us all to our very core

A whirlwind ripping through our cities and towns

The evil coronavirus wearing its invisible crown

It does not care if you are rich or poor

A Royal, a minister or the boy next door

No matter what age, wealth, colour or creed

Affecting us all, and with devastat...

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The New Normal

Help control the virus on our decent down the peak

Stay alert, the new normal, the keywords of the week


Anticipation grew around the map of our pathway out

confusing news filled us all with disappointing doubt


To mask or not to mask? now there lies a question

still debatable if they provide any medical protection


Return to work when able, keeping a two metre distan...

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The Tale Of The Year Twenty Twenty

The year twenty twenty, what a story to be told

When nature said enough is enough and put the world on hold

Mother Earth took a break, to revitalise, refresh and renew

Taught us all a valuable lesson, to give respect when it is due

She created the coronavirus, almost impossible to beat

The world paused for a while and considered its defeat


Is it a dream or a nightmare, becau...

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