New to poetry due to a recent WI Competition. Not sure what is right or wrong, correct or incorrect in the world of poetry I am enjoying the challenge and distraction during these unprecedented times. I have been working on a website, to display and store my poetry attempts
My house is full of empty spaces where you would eat, sleep and be My days are now full of silence because you are not here with me
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by julie callaghan
Kirkby Lonsdale Ram (12/03/2025)
Trumpkin Pumpkin (rehashed) (01/03/2025)
The Black Hare (20/02/2025)
Thank You (24/12/2024)
Come On England, Again (11/07/2024)
Wedding Day (26/05/2024)
The Gift Of A Sea Glass Heart (25/01/2024)
A Sea Glass Heart (19/01/2024)
Clematis (01/06/2023)
Wildflower Meadows (01/06/2023)
Read more entries by julie callaghan…
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- 2020 (1)
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Thu 1st Jul 2021 12:09
Your house may be empty
but no need to be grumpy-
The silence that be
filled now with poetry!
Wed 19th May 2021 03:31
thank you Julie Callaghan.
Tue 11th May 2021 04:22
Julie Callaghan.
(I put the capitals back in)
I now have a new phone,
that old phone was not too SMART!
Thu 22nd Apr 2021 12:06
Oh come on now...
no comment?
all in fun.
take all with Asprin
and grain of salt.
Thu 18th Feb 2021 04:51
yes, we finally have power.
Not politically
Mon 8th Feb 2021 03:07
As long as you remember
to come to WOL
you are okay!
Thu 28th Jan 2021 11:55
they have a camera
on your face
a chip in you
to be tracked and traced,
they know your name
they know your place
remove yourself
do so in haste!
Mon 21st Dec 2020 02:15
Come back often
I "love" your comment.
Sun 6th Dec 2020 02:50
Father Christmas?
What country are you in?
Mon 12th Oct 2020 11:55
it's okay
these will get better
Fri 2nd Oct 2020 10:01
I am breathing...
Thank you Julie for your kind comments regarding Her Last Dance, much appreciated !
Wed 16th Sep 2020 23:15
good for your mom.
i am glad she did so well.
also glad...
you shared her story!
Sun 13th Sep 2020 01:51
thank you julie callaghan for wishing me well.
well...that's about it.
Nothing more can be said.
Sat 29th Aug 2020 08:35
thanks for your words of encouragement julie callaghan
(all in small letters)
I am encouraged that whatever they do to me, I will write about it.
that'll teach 'em!
Welcome to WOL Julie. As others have said, your way of writing poetry is just that, yours. Don't be hijacked by fashion: say what you have to say in your own words and you'll be fine. And thank you kindly for liking my poem 'The hardest day', I look forward to reading your work. Bon chance. John
Thu 13th Aug 2020 03:21
are you new?
i am a Gnu.
at any rate, don't feel bad
we all make the same mistake.
that robot is just teasing us.
bad robot!
Thu 16th Jul 2020 11:56
Thank you for your comment on "The Lonely Room".
Dedicated to all those in Nursing Homes
who because of the Chinavirus cannot see their families.
Fri 10th Jul 2020 03:01
Do masks really save lives?
it's debatable.
Each individual should be allowed to make that decision.
There is no law that says the state can make you wear a mask.
Once liberty is taken away, it's awful hard to get it back.
See Cuba or Venezuela or Red China!
Sat 4th Jul 2020 16:35
Thank you Julie!
Yes, welcome to WOL. I'll try to catch up on your work.
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jennifer Malden
Wed 14th Jul 2021 16:38
Think I understand what you're getting at when referring to the support for Marcus Rashford when people really came together, but otherwise the behaviour of The Brits was appalling. Booing the Italian national anthem, gatecrashing the match, which there is no excuse for now, with all the mega screens available, beating up Italian supporters afterwards outside the stadium,and finally leaving the London Streets as if there had been a war. Not to mention the refusal to accept the medals for second place. I was really ashamed.