The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 12:59 am

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I am a 44 year old male in the UK. I have struggled with my sexuality since the age of around 10 years old, self acceptance being my biggest demon. I am married to the love of my life and have two beautiful children. Last year my demons came to a head and I came out to my wife and eldest daughter, after 20 years of marriage, that I am bisexual. At the time when I felt so confused and alone, writing things down seemed to help me, and those words turned in to poems/lyrics. Things seemed to calm down and the writing stopped. Then a few months ago, things come back even more aggressive than before, but with a massive impact on my mental and emotional state. I started writing again and now the words just seem to be flowing, but whatever I can get out my head is s little less that I try to unravel. I have posted some stuff on LGBT forums and have had positive responses. People have been able to associate their own experiences and situations to my poems and some have said they have helped them express how they are feeling better to others. Poetry was something I always enjoyed as a child and I guess went in to hiding when I did. So here I am, writing and wanting to get my words out there.


Silent Beach --------------------- Feel the sand beneath your feet Hear the waves Feel the peace Let your worries sail away On a wave, far away In a moment Your worry free Take a breathe Count to three Peaceful feelings Yours to keep Feelings from a silent beach

My blog - Home of my work

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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J.D. Bardo

Thu 29th Apr 2021 13:07

Hello curious, I felt compelled to introduce myself after reading your profile as a result of seeing a comment you had left on a poem today. I instantly was captivated and intend to read all of your poems when I have the time, as I identify with your personal situation like a mirror image. I am a 58 year old Bi-sexual male who has been living a double life since the age of 9 years old. I am a father, have x wives, and x secret male lovers. Life has been a confusing, stressful, mess. And getting older, and still wanting a lover is a very lonely place. Only recently after beginning to express myself in poetry have I found peace, and contentment. Blogging my poetry on write out loud has changed my life. Many of my poems have a Bi-sexual theme, and I would like for you to read some. I think that you will find them very interesting. Here are three poems I suggest that you read. "Under the Bridge" "Caution! Door swings both ways", and "the Hook". By J.D. Bardo. Thank-you. looking forward to reading your work, both old, and anything new.

J.D. Bardo (Patrick)

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keith jeffries

Thu 29th Apr 2021 11:20

Dear Curious,
I read your biography with interest. I have been on WOL for over four years. I am a gay man, who by virtue of my sexuality have suffered a lamentable catalogue of abuse, prejudice, discrimination and violence, job loss and eviction. I am now 73 years old. A lot of what I have written here was in the past.

Your poems are of a high standard, which you really should pursue as it is also cathartic and comes from your inner self. You obviously possess courage to address your sexuality to your nearest and dearest. Stand up and be proud of your humanity, your personal dignity and courage, your sexuality and put pen to paper and write. You stand out as a unique and talented individual and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


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Tue 13th Apr 2021 21:14

Where you go brofriend ?

<Deleted User> (31570)

Wed 7th Apr 2021 09:49

Almost lost you brofriend

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Fri 24th Jul 2020 01:12

I love the emotional pull you put into your writing. Can't wait to read more of your work. Welcome to WoL.

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Fri 24th Jul 2020 00:56

Welcome! I also find writing very cathartic. I’m looking forward to reading your poetry. Write on!

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