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It’s summer showtime in the garden
and this clematis is singing loud
Supported by climbing honeysuckle
a class act, flamboyant and proud 

A stone wall is the perfect backdrop 
for this display so fine and dandy 
Giant but delicate stripy blooms
dazzling and fragrant eye candy 

Photo credit Dr Amir Khan

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Wildflower Meadows

Summer wildflower meadows
where the deer run wild and free
Even at this far distance
the magic is so dreamy!

A brief wildlife encounter
on an early morning stroll 
Gifts us wonder and delight 
that reaches into the soul

photo credit Dr Amir Khan

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Carpets of bluebells have erupted
and the local woods are ablaze 
The air fills with a dazzling scent 
wafting upwards from the blue haze 

They seem to cast a bewitching spell 
on all those who gaze upon them 
And I’m head over heels in love 
with this most intoxicating gem 

Photo credit Dr Amir Khan

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