Sunday 23rd October 2022 3:42 pm
It rained today, just like it did four years ago
Heavens were sad to lose their own
Guardians were happy to receive their own
Smiles were wide, the bundle of joy had arrived.
But when it was time,
Heavens were happy to receive their own back
Angels celebrated the reunion
Guardians cried their hearts out
and the rains were glad to sent you back home.
Memories st...
Monday 20th June 2022 9:43 pm
Trapped in darkness,
Hollow sounds of emptiness,
Winds eerie howling through the trees,
Terror surrounds me.
I lay on the grass,
mind enclosed in a tunnel,
Heart filled with despair,
Body gripped with fear,
side by side I relentlessly turn.
Silent screams in my mind,
Loud enough for my head to explode,
Sending shivers down my spine,
Morning star, ...
Monday 13th June 2022 6:33 pm
Each day comes and goes, the calendar never lies
On each month it appears, but with a red signal
The moon seems dull, never has it been bright
Nimbus clouds on the sky
The rain is heavy, quite unbearable to be precise
Seems like a tornado, the storm is drowning me
The earthquakes are intense too, what a sleepless night
The inner clouds are slowly shedding off
...Sunday 17th December 2017 6:01 pm
Hello,dear you,i hope you are somewhere thinking of me
on the other side i am busy trying to figure out who you are
i do not know if i have met you yet
but i have a feeling you are also thinking about me too
and now dear futute husband,
be at your best behaviour,i am not a fan of bad boys
i believe you are a very understanding and loving husband to be
so do not do the thi...
Wednesday 12th July 2017 10:35 am
Gone are the times no one cared
the time nobody knew you, not even yourself
those days when your comfort zone was your comfortable zone
and nothing really mattered apart from your happiness
those were the days you were lost and did not try to find yourself
thinki-ng that you had it all in life
living in the dark with no mission,no dreams,no goals,nothing!
only you and yo...
Wednesday 12th July 2017 10:13 am
I hear your voice throughout the day
i think of you every second
i dream of you every night
your warmth and comfort i miss
every time i see you my day brightens
my soul smiles through your heart and my heart smiles through your eyes
i get lost in your eyes anytime i stare
phone calls ain't enough
i yearn and long to see you again
just being with you and hangin...
Wednesday 12th July 2017 9:56 am
who thought that this day would come
when goodbye was the option left?
who knew that a day would come
when letting go would not be a choice?
this had to be an illusion,if not a fiction
or rather
a daydream filled with hallucinations
our love was like the sand of the ocean
unmeasureable,the emotional moments we shared full of passion
how could you forget that...
Monday 5th June 2017 2:58 pm
life is a journey,we all are travelling
what differs is our destinations
we all are tourists,and the one above is our guide
when our jouney ends,back to him we will return
we came with nothing,so shall we return
each and everyone's turn is coming,so do not be sad if i leave before you
he has a better place for each of us
where there is no pain,no suffering,no strug...
Monday 5th June 2017 2:39 pm
do not worry about me, i am no longer the baby i was
do not be stressed up, your little girl is taking care of herself
though life is not easy, she is trying her best to make ends meet
though the road is not smooth, she is trying to make it through
i have to admit it is hard making my own choices and decisions
with fear that i might have taken the wrong way
i had been fond ...
Monday 29th May 2017 9:58 am
she thought she finally would be free
that getting rid of it was the best option
she knew it was wrong, but, she didnt want it either
everything was a mistake,it had not been planned for
some days later,
she wished she could have seen her little baby's face
just once, she would have hold it in her arms
but then it was too late
the little poor thing was already with the...
Monday 29th May 2017 9:22 am
i hope you remember the promise
that day under the shade
that the past was to be kept aside
and take a step towards our future ahead
meeting you was fate
i still remember the day up to to-date
when you proposed that a bond we create
and allow myself to be your mate
a vow we took together
that our love was never going to wither
under the rain it was sealed,e...
Friday 12th May 2017 9:56 pm
mummy is pregnant with expectations
she cant wait to have you in her life
she is anxiously waiting for your birth day
the only day you will be crying and she will be smiling
your mum is such a loving and caring woman
she is more than prepared to have you angel
she cant afford to miss the opportunity to be called a mum
you are well pictured in my mind
your big beautifu...
Friday 12th May 2017 9:38 pm
the whole world thinks that you wont make it
not even your closest friends,everyone sees you as a failure
but you have the agility deep within you
take the shield of confidence and extinguish the arrows of them haters
your potential is really so huge that no one can snatch it from you
your capability and zeal are motivational
remind yourself that success has always been your...
Friday 12th May 2017 9:14 pm
she is a precious gift that mother nature provided for me
i call her big sis,she is mummy's other daughter
she has been there for me all the time
we have shared the deepest secrets,our innermost thoughts
now that you have her,please take care of her
what we share is unbreakable, a bond that is inseparable
she is my guarding angel,my shining star,my everything
we have foug...
Friday 5th May 2017 12:37 pm
he touched her heart without touching her
he made time for her when the rest made excuses
to her,he gave a meaning to the word 'love'
he was not like any other man she had met
he had learned to embrace the glorious mess she was
he saw no flaws in her very being
he treated her like the queen she was
to her,he was an heavenly sent gift
he brought a smile in her pre...
Friday 5th May 2017 12:20 pm
she woke up everyday with a desire to change the world and desire to enjoy the world
she wanted to get out of her comfort zone,out of her own cocoon
the past did not matter anymore, her future had to be bright
she had to utilize what she had before time made it her past
she wanted to leave a mark to the world without getting too attached to it
she waanted to be legend,to be remembe...
Friday 5th May 2017 12:11 pm
she feels nothing anymore
she hates the people who crushed her very being
she hates the people who destroyed her soul
the pain kills her from inside
what hurts most is the lies she was told
all along dancing to the tune
only to wake up one day to reality.
she thought she was over all the odds
she thought she had met the one
she had learned to find comfort in her p...
Thursday 4th May 2017 10:50 am
she is the reason i wake up everyday with a smile,
knowing that she believes in me than everybody else does
she is the reason why i am where i am and what i am
she is the reason why i believe in love since she loves me unconditionally
we knew each other before we even met
she is my biggest joy,my pillar,my strength
she is my mum
she is the most hardworking lady i know
the m...
Thursday 4th May 2017 10:31 am
you are the reason i no longer believe in love
the reason i can never be happy with anyone
the reason why my dreams are shattered and hope gone
the reason why my heart is broken into a million pieces
we talked about it over and over
and i thought that you had finaly changed
but alas,to you it was an habit
cheating was a part of you,and nothing could separate it from you
...Thursday 4th May 2017 10:14 am
it never crosss any girls mind that she is going to be a mother at avery tender age
along the strets she shyly walks,with her stomach bulging out
helpless she looks, confused on what to tell her parents
wearily she laments,knowing that she is too young
at school her friends stare,with plastic smiles on their faces
they pretend to care,but the truth is that they dont give a damn
...Thursday 4th May 2017 9:55 am
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