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Lay me down on the cold grey stone

and grasp my love to feel less alone

my leaden soul brittles, splinters then breaks

beneath the weight of your heart that aches


Fuck amongst death and in its' place

we create a new life within this space

time does not stop, fused blood will run

to drip on the clouds of setting sun


Katy Hughes 2012

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First Night

First Night


A messy room

Two messy heads

“Will you marry me?”

He quietly said


A shadowed celebration

assured but never taken

shrouded and unknown

the beautiful unshown


© Katy Hughes 2012




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forbidden lovesecretproposalweddinglove




The moon lies beautiful

half veiled behind the clouds

it dares not shine as a whole

muted in its lair


The quiet forbidden love,

nestled in the shadow of tomorrow

Waits patient to be born Brittle,

but not yet broken

Both struggle for their moment in the light


© Katy Hughes 2012

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