The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.


Warily, gently, apprehensively, she peers. 

A sun beam strokes her face. 

She pauses, puzzled by its tenderness. 

Bearings regathered, she persists. 

Steadfast and undeterred. 

Soft melodies begin whispering to her. 

A faint breeze draws her into a sweet embrace. 

She rests atop an emerald blanket. Fresh aromas tickle her nose. 

A realisation strikes. 

This is comfort. 


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An outcast, a burden, emotional instability’s emaciated hostage. 

The fading marks on her skin, a mere map of the painful roads of her past. 

She’s frozen, no way out of the solitary confinement that is her own mind. 

Derogatory whispers slowly convince her that she is unwanted, unloved, alone.

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He pins me to the ground, and whispers into my ear. “Why are you still around? Nobody really wants you here.”

I yell no, try to fight him off, beg and plead. There is no point, he’s staying, I can’t escape, he's taken the lead. 

This dark entity, this monster who lives in my head. This bully who won’t give up until I am dead.

Will I ever take control of this fight, and break free? Or will...

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Butterfly Kisses

Precious flutters meant only for me.
The faintest embrace from one so very small.
My imagination turns artist and I see your face.
I wonder if the ocean is envious of the pools in your eyes. 
I consider ways to style the wefts of caramel resting atop your head.
An image cursed to remain rhetorical.

For goodbye arrived so swiftly. 


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‪Unconscious torture. 

Memories cyclically taunting me.

A dream stained pillow.

Caressing the caged audience screaming within my mind.

Agony unrelenting. 

Smears of black accompany tear tattoos beneath my parched eyes.
Twilight, my best friend.



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